гідрологія озер, гидрология озер ; лімнологія (озерознавство), лимнология (озероведение) ; озера, jeziora ; якість води, качество воды
В роботі розглянуті питання оцінки якості води Придунайських озер за комплексом гідрохімічних показників, визначенні коефіцієнта забруднення, оцінці якості води в водотоках, що впадають в озера. Отримані результати щодо високої мінералізації та ступеня забруднення вод потребують пошуку шляхів вирішення проблем подальшого функціонування та режиму експлуатації водойм.
В работе рассмотрены вопросы оценки качества воды Придунайских озер по комплексу гидрохимических показателей, определении коэффициента загрязнения, оценке качества воды в водотоках, впадающих в озера. Полученные результаты по высокой минерализации и степени загрязнения вод требуют поиска путей решения проблем дальнейшего функционирования и режима эксплуатации водоемов.
Introduction. Freshwater floodplain lakes are located in the lower flows of the Danube in the Odessa region. They stretch from north to south and abut the Danube floodplain. The largest of them are Yalpug, Kugurluy, Cahul, Katlabuh, Kitay. During the transformation of lakes into reservoirs a number of flood control structures were created on the channels to connect the reservoirs to the Danube. Water quality in the Danube river is influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors. Because of significant anthropogenic impact water quality in water bodies in the Danube region has deteriorated so far.
Purpose. The paper deals with matters of water quality assessment on a range of hydrochemical indicators, pollution coefficient determination, water quality assessment in streams flowing into the lakes.
Methods. For generalized assessment of surface water and to identify possible trends in changing their quality the assessment of the level of pollution using the pollution koefficient (which is a generalized indicator of the water pollution level) is realized. To assess water quality observations data and laboratory measurements of the Danubian basin water resources office (for the period 1996-2014) are taken as sources.
Results. The obtained results of surface water quality assessment declared that the quality of water in all the lakes deteriorated for the period from 1996 to 2014. The pollution level of surface water area is classified as "slightly polluted", "moderately polluted" and "dirty." Water quality in lakes and rivers in small components for salt content belongs to a class of "brackish" water. The main problem of these water bodies is not only high salinity water, but excessive pollution caused by organic nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds). The low water level of the Danube river can also be considered as an important reason of poor water quality in lakes nowadays and the inability to fill the lakes until the normal water level.
Conclusion. The obtained results of high salinity and the water pollution degree need to find solutions to the problems of further functioning of reservoir exploitation regime.