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Matkan, Aliakbar
    Snow days determination, usung passive microwave satellite data [Текст] / Aliakbar Matkan // Proceedings of the International Workshop on Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing, September, 19-21, 2005 : MRRS-2005 / International Civil Aviation Organization; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National Aviation University. — Kiev : NAU, 2005. — P. 108-114 : іл.

- Анотація:

This paper reports the results of an initial investigation of the potential for remote sensing application with spetial referenses to passive wicrowave satellite imagery. It is based on SSM/I data. the study area is of the whole Iran, whit hone or two satellite passes being used per day. For the purpose of identifying snow from variable surface comdition, the snow maps presented in this study were generated using the Grody&Basist algorithm which is base on separating scaterers from emites in the 19, 22, 37 and 85.5 GHz frequenciesof the passive microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Comparisons with surface observation from 136 synoptic stations obtained from the Iranian Meteorological Organisation are also provided. Conclusions are drawn as to the potential of combined satellite/surface methods for monitoring and understsnding longer-term temporal variations in snow cover over Iran.

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