Зведений каталог бібліотек Києва


Kunchenko, U. P.
    The mathematical model of constructing the adaptive system of mechanical value measurements [Текст] / U.P. Kunchenko, M.I. Kiselev, A.L. Perederko // Proceedings of the Second World Congress "Aviation in the X X I-st Century" "Safety in Aviation", September 19-21, 2005 / International Civil Aviation Organization; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National Aviation University. — Kyiv : NAU, 2005. — P. 2.60-2.64 : іл.

- Анотація:

This article gives the analysis of the suppresiion of vibration influence at preliminary processing the results of measurements in control and measurement machines under conditions of the large-level of industrial interferences

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