Зведений каталог бібліотек Києва


Reichstadter, Bruno
    Integration of civilian and military ATM systems [Текст] / Bruno Reichstadter // Proceedings of the Second World Congress "Aviation in the X X I-st Century" "Safety in Aviation", September 19-21, 2005 / International Civil Aviation Organization; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National Aviation University. — Kyiv : NAU, 2005. — P. 3.25-3.28.

- Анотація:

One of the principal targets of EUROCONTROL ATM upgrading programmes developed in nineties was harmonization of national ATC (aircraft traffic control) systems with the objective to constitute a virtually single European airspace providing having increased total capacity. This target should be achieved by the harmonization and subsequently integration of civil and military ATC systems at national levels, involved in the programme.

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