Зведений каталог бібліотек Києва


Zaporozhets, O.
    3Prisk - tool for third party risk assessment around the airport [Текст] / O. Zaporozhets, I. Gosudarskaja // Proceedings of the Second World Congress "Aviation in the X X I-st Century" "Safety in Aviation", September 19-21, 2005 / International Civil Aviation Organization; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National Aviation University. — Kyiv : NAU, 2005. — P. 4.6-4.11 : іл.

- Анотація:

Typical third party risk analysis methods consist of three submodels: an accident probabililty model, an accident location probabililty model and an accident consequence model. The results of these submodels are combined to calculate individual risk levels, which are usually presentedc as risk cotours on a topografical map, and societal risk of probable hazards.

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