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Melezhik, P.
    High-Efficiene Millimeter-wave coherent radar for Airport surface movement monitoring and control [Текст] / P. Melezhik, V. Razkazovskiy, N. Reznichenko та ін. // Aviation . — P. 38-43.

Автор: Melezhik P., Razkazovskiy V., Reznichenko N., Zuykov V., Varavin A., Sidorenko Y., Provalov S., Yanovsky F.

- Ключові слова:

покриття аеродромне, покрытие аэродромное, aerodrome pavement, load-bearing pavement ; радіоприйом завадостійкий, радиоприем помехоустойчивый, noise immunity radio reception ; вимірювання радарне, измерение радарное ; перешкода шумова, завада шумова, помеха шумовая ; радар

- Анотація:

The paper outlines the operation principles, technical characteristics and the field test results of the innovative Ka-band radar for airport surface monitoring. Advantages and disadvantages of operation in the Ka-band with respect to a shorter one, i.e. The W-band, are discussed. It is shown that in the Ka-band the coherent operation mode can be realized. This mode enables one not only to essentially reduce the radiation power to the level provided by the available semiconductor devices, but also to perform moving target detection on interference created by reflections from surface objects and rain as well as to perform automatic classification of targets according to their radial velocity of movement. Main performance specifications, principle of operation, and design of the innovative antenna developed for the radar are described in detail. The results of the field tests confirm the predicted radar operation characteristics. The radars of the proposed type can be used as radar-sensors for systems of airport surface monitoring.

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