Зведений каталог бібліотек Києва


Filonenko, S.
    Destruction of composite material by shear load and formation of acoustic radiation [Текст] = [Руйнування композиційного матеріалу навантаженням зсуву і формування акустичного випромінювання] / S. Filonenko, V. Kalita, A. Kosmach // Aviation . — С. 1-9 : рис.

- Анотація:

Some models of the formation of acoustic emission signals by the destruction of composite material by shear load were examined. We have formulated a mathematical description of the quantity of elements that remains in the process of composite destruction and mathematical description of acoustic emission signals. The regularity of changes in acoustic emission signals for a simple model of composite destruction and for a model that takes into account the process of the destruction of the elements of composite material are shown.

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