Зведений каталог бібліотек Києва


Zbrutsky, A.
    Investigation of the characteristics of the sensor unit of the PA-2 horizontal stabilization system [Текст] = [Дослідження характеристик блок датчика горизонтальної системи стабілізації PA-2] / A. Zbrutsky, V. Kanchenko, R. Karnaushenko та ін. // Aviation . — С.10-15 : іл.

Автор: Zbrutsky A., Kanchenko V., Karnaushenko R., Marinoshenko A., Chepub N.

- Анотація:

For tasks such as radiation and environment monitoring using an unmanned air vehicle, it is necessary to maintain stable flight level. The authots used a PA-2 horizontal stabilization system, manufactured by Futaba Inc., to maintain the orientation of an unmanned aircraft during flight. This works represents the investigation of the characteristics of a PA-2 sensor unit in the laboratory. The authors obtained the optical output characteristics of the sensor unit, operating angles, and dependence of output characteristics on UAV orientation.

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