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Козирєва, Валентина
    Заходи щодо попередження банкрутства боржника-авіапідприємства та позасудові процедури. [Текст] = Меры по предупреждению банкротства должника-авиапредприятия и внесудебные процедуры.  = Measures to prevent the bankruptcy of the debtor - Aviation Enterprise and extrajudicial procedures / Валентина Козирєва, Анатолій Гаврилішин // .

- Анотація:

В статті розглядаються заходи щодо запобігання банкрутства боржника – авіаційного підприємства, концептуальні положення правового механізму злиття, поділу, перетворення, що  здійснюється в позасудових процедурах.

В статье рассматриваются меры по предотвращению банкротства должника – авиационного предприятия, концептуальные положения правового механизма слияния, разделения, преобразования, осуществляемые во внесудебных процедурах.

The results of the market reforms, which took part in Ukraine, have confirmed the necessity of the further changes, especially in the system of the bankruptcy, which is considered below. Herewith, one of the least regulated practical issues is the process English abstract V. Kozyreva, A. Gavrylishyn Measures to prevent the bankruptcy of the debtor - Aviation Enterprise and extrajudicial procedures   The results of the market reforms, which took part in Ukraine, have confirmed the necessity of the further changes, especially in the system of the bankruptcy, which is considered below. Herewith, one of the least regulated practical issues is the process of application of the measures to avoid bankruptcy of the aviation companies. Conception thesis of the bankruptcy avoiding mechanisms should be realized in the appropriate directions, such as legal, economical and organizationally-informative. Decidedly, in the sphere taken into consideration, the main issue is legal aspect of the aviationcompanies bankruptcy avoiding. Indeed, the legislator made the appropriate changes to the Law of Ukraine about "On Restoring Debtor's Solvency or Declaring Bankruptcy" about usage of the means to avoid bankruptcy of the debtor, but the problem of the bankruptcy still remains. But even the perfection of the regulatory acts does not provide the efficiency of their functioning. Analysis of the legal acts of the measures to prevent the bankruptcy of the debtor-aviation enterprise and extrajudicialprocedures, examination of the conceptual provisions of the legal mechanism of merger, division and transformation. Thus, we can consider the means to avoid bankruptcy of the aviation company and the extrajudicial procedures of the bankruptcy as such kind of bankruptcy-preventing tool. The primary objective of measures to prevent the bankruptcy of the Aviation Company is the approval of principles and objectives that should be achieved after the operation of machinery.

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