У статті аналізуються різні підходи учених стосовно класифікації конституційних культурних прав, досліджуються критерії такої класифікації. Основними видами гарантій конституційних культурних прав і свобод людини та громадянина визначено економічні, політичні, ідеологічні та юридичні гарантії як такі, що утворені на підставі основного критерію їх класифікації. Інші види гарантій конституційних культурних прав і свобод особи, утворені на підставі додаткових критеріїв, кваліфікуються автором як додаткові їх різновиди.
В статье анализируются разные подходы ученых относительно классификации конституционных культурных прав, исследуются критерии такой классификации. Основными видами гарантий конституционных культурных прав и свобод человека и гражданина определены экономические, политические, идеологические и юридические гарантии как такие, которые образованы на основании основного критерия их классификации. Другие виды гарантий конституционных культурных прав и свобод человека, образованные на основании дополнительных критериев, квалифицируются автором как дополнительные их разновидности
In the article different approaches of scientists are analysed in relation to classification of constitutional cultural rights, the criteria of such classification are investigated. The criteria of classification of guarantees of constitutional cultural human and citizen rights are certain: on the sign of sphere of public relations of guarantee of constitutional cultural rights and freedoms of man and citizen differentiate on economic, political, ideological and legal; on a sign them functionalsetting are the guarantees sent to creation of favourable terms for complete and unimpeded realization of cultural rights and freedoms (guarantees of realization); guarantees of providing of effective guard of cultural rights and freedoms; guarantees of protection of constitutional rights and freedoms from violations by any subjects; guarantees of providing of effective renewal of cultural rights and freedoms are in case of their violations or illegal limitations. English abstract M. MatskevychClassification of guarantees of constitutional cultural rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Ukraine. In the article different approaches of scientists are analyzed in relation to classification of constitutional cultural rights, the criteria of such classification are investigated. In the article different approaches of scientists are analyzed in relation to classification of constitutional cultural rights, the criteria of such classification are investigated. The criteria of classification of guarantees of constitutional cultural human and citizen rights are certain: on the sign of sphere of public relations of guarantee of constitutional cultural rights and freedoms of man and citizen differentiate on economic, political, ideological and legal; on a sign them functional setting are the guarantees sent to creation of favorable terms for complete and unimpeded realization of cultural rights and freedoms (guarantees of realization); guarantees of providing of effective guard of cultural rights and freedoms; guarantees of protection of constitutional rights and freedoms from violations by any subjects; guarantees of providing of effective renewal of cultural rights and freedoms are in case of their violations or illegal limitations. Except it, possibility of classification of guarantees of constitutional cultural rights and freedoms of man and citizen is reasonable in accordance with the criterion of their forming, as a result of what the guarantees of realization of cultural rights and freedoms are distributed on domestic (national) and international (planetary). The marked criterion of classification is expedient during realization of analysis of functional role of state power in the field of spiritual life of society in relation to an international concord.