У статті аналізуються нормативно-правові акти з питань, пов'язаних із протезуванням людини, досліджуються недоліки законодавчого регулювання договірного оформлення відносин з виготовлення протезних виробів та їх ремонту, а також відносин з надання медичних послуг із протезування на всіх етапах становлення такого законодавства
В статье анализируются нормативно-правовые акты по вопросам, связанным с протезированием человека, исследуются недостатки законодательного регулирования договорного оформления отношений по изготовлению протезных изделий и их ремонту, а также отношений по оказанию медицинских услуг по протезированию (оперативному вмешательству) на всех этапах становления такого законодательства
The regulations on issues, related to human prosthetics, the shortcomings of the legal regulation of contracts conclusion in prosthetic ware manufacturing, service and prosthetic medical service at all stages of such legislation formation are analyzed and researched in the article. Legislation on issues, related to prosthetics consists of two groups of such acts: the regulations of social security law, regulating social and medical prosthetics public relations in the field of prosthetics, whichare partly private (those relating to contract conclusion, and those, which are related to the subjects, that are not included in the list of persons entitled to free state prosthetic ware providing); and civil law rules, governing similar contractual relations, certain features of which allow us to include prosthetic relations to certain types of contracts (contracting relations and services providing relations, including medical). English abstract A. Taranenko The formation of the contractualregulation in the in the field of human prosthetics. The regulations on issues, related to human prosthetics, the shortcomings of the legal regulation of contracts conclusion in prosthetic ware manufacturing, service and prosthetic medical service at all stages of such legislation formation are analyzed and researched in the article. Legislation on issues, related to prosthetics consists of two groups of such acts: the regulations of social security law, regulating social and medical prosthetics public relations in the field of prosthetics, which are partly private (those relating to contract conclusion, and those, which are related to the subjects, that are not included in the list of persons entitled to free state prosthetic ware providing); and civil law rules, governing similar contractual relations, certain features of which allow us to include prosthetic relations to certain types of contracts (contracting relations and services providing relations, including medical). Therewas at least the nominal contractual regulation of prosthetics relations, associated with orthopedic problems in the period from 1994 to 2006 in Ukraine. Analysis of agreements, offered by the Ministry of Social Protection of Ukraine in that period indicates the imperfect regulation of contractual prosthetic relations at various levels, including mixing different by their legal nature objects of regulation (works and services); the mitigate, and eventually - the disappearance of the contractualregulation; insufficient text content of the contracts, that did not allow to protect the rights of the parties of the agreement fully. Basing on the position of the prosthetic ware customers and patients rights protection, it is concluded that the standard contract is the best form of relevant contractual relations normative regulation.