У статті розглянуто сутність злочинності як соціального феномену, окремі особливості такого її різновиду як злочинність неповнолітніх та сформульоване практично значуще поняття останньої, тобто таке, що дозволить здійснювати емпіричне дослідження цього феномену, на підставі результатів якого, планувати й проводити ефективну діяльність з протидії злочинним проявам неповнолітніх.
В статье рассмотрена сущность преступности как социального феномена, отдельные особенности такого ее вида как преступность несовершеннолетних и сформулировано практически значимое понятие последней, то есть такое, что позволит осуществлять эмпирическое исследование этого феномена, на основании результатов которого, планировать и проводить эффективную деятельность по противодействию преступным проявлениям несовершеннолетних
The article discussed the essence of crime as a social phenomenon, especially its kind such as juvenile delinquency and formulated the practical notion of it, which will allow for an empirical study of this phenomenon on the basis of which to plan and conduct effective operations to counter juvenile criminal manifestations. English abstractV. Mozgova Notion and features of juvenile delinquencyThe juvenile delinquency has always been and remains one of the most actual social and legal problems ofour society. It is related first of all to the fact that it was minor in the near future will create and present an image of the state. Criminal skills gained by individuals in the juvenile age, often accompany them for a long time, if not a lifetime. It is no accident, numerous studies show that a significant proportion of repeat criminal offenders received his first conviction is in the juvenile age. The statistics is reflecting that in recent years the number of crimes committed by juvenilesgradually reduced. However, the official figures do not fully reflect the essence of this very difficult problem. Proportion of juvenile delinquency in the overall structure of crime remains high, and changes in different spheres of life that occurred in Ukraine in recent years have had a significant impact on the conditions of identity formation today's children and adolescents are more vulnerable to adverse social processes. In the article reviews the nature of crime as a social phenomenon, and some features such as a variety of juvenile delinquency. The article is formulating a practical significant notion of the juvenile delinquency as something that will allow for the empirical study of this phenomenon on the basis of which can be to planning and carry out effective activities to prevent a crime activity of minors.