У статті здійснене теоретичне обґрунтування основних етапів становлення і розвитку, особливостей громадянського суспільства. Крім того автори характеризують сучасний стан громадянського суспільства в Україні, вказують на шляхи удосконалення взаємодії держави та громадянського суспільства
В статье сделано теоретическое обоснование основних этапов становления и развития, особенностей гражданского общества. Кроме того, авторы характеризуют современное состояние гражданского общества в Украине, указывают основные направления усовершенствования взаимодействия государства и гражданского общества
The article theoretically substantiates the main stages of civil society's increasing and development, and its features. Also the authors characterize current state of the civil society in Ukraine and determine the basic direction of improvement of interaction of the state and civil society. English abstractV. Cherevatiuk, Yu. Oleksiienko Civil society as a model of relations between human and the state: from history to modernity The article theoretically substantiates the main stages of civil society's increasing and development, and its features. Also the authors characterize current state of the civil society in Ukraine and determine the basic direction of improvement of interaction of the state and civil society. The urgent need now is to find practical ways and guiding the development of civil society to develop specific practical recommendations for government agencies on trends and mechanisms of interaction with the public. From this perspective, comprehensive study of the international context of civil society, the impact of global trends on its evolution in Ukraine is particularly important. Thus, while civil society during its existence changed its value under the pressure of the economic and political factors, but it will develop, upgrade and positive change in the future.