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Томіленко, Петро
    Правове регулювання охорони лісів в україні [Текст] = Правовое регулирование охраны лесов в Украине  = Legal protection of forests in Ukraine / Петро Томіленко // .

- Анотація:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"> Стаття присвячена аналізу діючих нормативно-правових актів, що визначають порядок правового регулювання охорони лісів в Україні. Автор досліджує діюче законодавство України щодо охорони лісів, а також аналізує його ефективність. Надано підходи до вирішення проблем охорони лісів.

Статья посвящена анализу действующих нормативно-правовых актов, которые определяют порядок правового регулирования охраны лесов в Украине. Автор исследует действующие законодательство Украины в сфере охраны лесов, а также анализирует его эффективность. Предоставлены подходы к решению проблемы охраны лесов.

Forests are the national wealth of the country and also subject of the state protection. The aim of this paper is to investigate the current forest legislation of Ukraine, as well as analyze its efficiency. Also the author suggested steps for solution problems of forests' protection. English abstract P. Tomilenko Legal protection of forests in Ukraine Forests are a national wealth of the country and its purpose and location perform environmental (water protection, safety, hygiene, health, and recreation), aesthetic, educational and other functions and are subject to a state protection. The aim of this paper is to investigate the current forest legislation of Ukraine, as well as to analize its efficiency. The paper also analyzes operating statutory legal acts that determine the order of legal regulation of forests in Ukraine. The main role in the system of environmental legislation, including the Protection of Forests plays a Constitution of Ukraine. Environmental issues occupy an important place in the text of the Constitution of Ukraine. According to Art. 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine land and other natural resources are the property of the Ukrainian people. Every citizen has the right to use the natural property of the people according to the law. The Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Protection" defines the legal, economic and social foundations of environmental protection for present and future generations [3]. It is basic, system-law in environmental legislation of Ukraine. Land, water, forest legislation, legislation on subsoil, the air protection, protection and use of flora and fauna and other special legislation (Art. 2 of the Act) are developed. Forest Code of Ukraine defines the concept of forests as ecosystems biogeocoenose, land forestry purposes, forest resources, settled the issue of ownership of forests, forest use rights, government regulation and management of forest relations, forestry, legal acts of forest management, functional division of forests, establishing the age of maturity stands, norms of forest resources, forest management, forest inventory and state record of forests, forest monitoring and forest certification change the purpose of land forest areas to be used for purposes not related to forestry, forest management, forest use, reproduction of forests, increase productivity, improve the quality of the forests and biodiversity in forests, conservation and protection of forests, monitoring the conservation, protection, useand reproduction of forests, funding for increased productivity, improved quality of forests their conservation, protection and reproduction, economic incentive measures for expanded reproduction of forests, especially the conservation, protection, use and reproduction of forests on lands of the natural reserve fund, dispute resolution in the conservation, protection, use and restoration of forests account for violation of forest laws. A separate chapter of the Code provides liability for violat

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