<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"> У статті розглянуті проблемні питання структурної побудови правозастосовних актів, складові елементи, внутрішня та зовнішня форма побудови. В статті акцентується увага на те, що законність і обґрунтованість правозастосовних рішень в значній мірі залежить також і від правильної структурної побудови правозастосовних актів.
В статье рассмотрены проблемные вопросы структурного построения правоприменительных актов, составные элементы, внутренняя и внешняя формы построения. В статье акцентируется внимание на то, что законность и обоснованность правоприменительных решений в значительной степени зависит так же и от правильного структурного построения правоприменительного акта.
The article investigates the problematic issue of structural construction of law enforcement acts, its components, internal and external form of construction. The task of this article is outlining the theoretical position of structural construction of law enforcement acts. Law enforcement act is the legal result of law enforcement activities. These acts are fixed, issued decisions that were taken in law enforcement activity. Analysis of law enforcement practices shows that most acts are issuedin the form of a written document and have a clear structure. English abstract O. Punko Structural construction of law enforcement acts The article investigates the problematic issue of structural construction of law enforcement acts, its components, internal and external form of construction. The task of this article is outlining the theoretical position of structural construction of law enforcement acts. The legality and validity of law enforcement decisions also largely depend on the proper of structural construction of law enforcement acts. Practice shows that in modern times some law enforcement persons don't always clearly form the structure of law enforcement acts, which often brings to the law enforcement errors. Law enforcement act is the legal result of law enforcement activities. These acts are fixed, issued decisions that were taken in law enforcement activity. The act of law applying (law enforcement act) is an individual legal act (decision) of authorized person (the competent public authority or official person) that puts (changes, stops) based on the law, rights and legal liability of law relationship participants or legal responsibilities for the offenses they had committed. Analysis of law enforcement practices shows that most acts are issued in the form of a written document and have a clear structure. Typically, the construction of law enforcement acts not exceed more than four parts and consists of: a) the introductory part, which indicates the name of the act, the name of the state body which introduces the act, the place and time of its introduction, the participants of the case, the subject of the case and the persons to whom apply law enforcement act, etc.; b) the recital part, which explains the essence of the case; c) the reasoning part, which analyzes the evidence, gives them a rating, legal qualification; d) the resolution part that includes basic and additional requirements of individual acts.