Стаття присвячена визначенню результатів голосування та процедурі інаугурації президентів Азербайджанської Республіки та США. У статті розглядаються вибори президентів в політичному аспекті, які мають суттєве значення, оскільки мова йде по главу держави – інститут державної влади, що займає особливе місце в державному механізмі різних країн. Це твердження справедливе й відносно виборів президентів в Азербайджанській Республіці та США. Завершальним етапом в процесі обрання президентів зазначенихкраїн є голосування та визначення його результатів.
Эта статья посвящается "Определению результатов голосования и процедуре инаугурации президентов Азербайджанской Республики и США". В статье рассматриваются выборы президентов в политическом аспекте, которые имеют существенное значение, поскольку идет речь о главе государства – институте государственной власти, занимающем особое место в государственном механизме различных стран. Это утверждение особенно справедливо в отношении выборов президентов в Азербайджанской Республике и США. Завершающим этапам в процессе по избранию Президентов США и Азербайджанской Республики является голосование и определение его результатов.
This article deals with determining the voting results and the procedure inauguration of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic and the United States. It's considered in the article presidential elections in political terms that are essential, as a question of the head of state - government institutions, has a special place in the mechanism of government different of countries. This is especially true with regard to the presidential elections in the republics: the Republic of Azerbaijan and the United States. The final stage in the process of electing the President of the United States and the Republic of Azerbaijan is the voting and determination of its results. English abstract V. D. Bagirili Determination of voting results and procedure presidential inauguration republic of Azerbaijan and the United States of America This article deals with determining the voting results and the procedure inauguration of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic and the United States. It's considered in the article that presidential elections in political terms are essential, as it refers to the head of state as a government institution that has a special place in the mechanism of governing the country. This is especially true with regard to the presidential elections in the republics: the Republic of Azerbaijan and the United States. The final stage in the process of electing the President of the United States and the Republic of Azerbaijan is the voting and determination of its results.Analyze that was made in the article allowed to define both common features and main differences between relevant legislature of the countries mentioned above. It was pointed out that Azerbaijan Republic's legislature has a much higher level of codification. Legislature of election is represented by two documents: Constitution and The Code of elections. As for The USA where there isn't any mutual law about the organization and holding elections, they are made happen according to the separate laws of the states. It is also mentioned that the requirements for the candidates are almost the same. Thus, both countries have demands regarding particular age and the citizenship. The author also emphasized that an order of president's nomination is more democratic as the right to nominate have both political parties and the electorate.