Через призму порівняльно-правового дослідження розкривається сутність та особливості адміністративно-господарського права Німеччини, а також аналізується процес становлення та розвитку вітчизняного адміністративно-господарського права.
Через призму сравнительно-правового исследования раскрывается сущность и особенности административно-хозяйственного права Германии, а также анализируется процесс становления и развития отечественного административно-хозяйственного права.
The essence and peculiarities of administrative business law of Germany are disclosed in the light of comparative legal research. The process of formation and development of native administrative business law is also researched. English abstract R. Melnyk, E. Petrov Administrative business law as a structural element of administrative law system: foreign experience and national peculiarities The essence and peculiarities of administrative business law of Germany are disclosed in the light of comparative legal research. The process of formation and development of native administrative business law is also researched. The study of the modern scientific papers on the administrative law subject shows that, unfortunately, national researchers use the results of foreign creative activity very rarely. As it was reasoned in the article there are only few Ukrainian scientists who make comparative legal researches in the administrative law sphere systematically. The authors give the definition of the administrative public law with regard to the german legal doctrine. According to it, administrative business law is a complex of norms and provisions that determine a creation and activity of administrative organs and institutions which are supposed to deal with infrastructure's and informational providing, planning, control, managing and assistance for the economic development, and also regulate legal relations that arise between the subjects of the economic activity and public administration. As for the national experience the authors point out that the concept of administrative business law mentioned above is a little bit unusual for the apprehension, however it can be seen in national legal science as well. The authors conclude that administrative business relations take a special place in the object of administrative legal regulation as they involve particular subjects, have a special object, realize a separate group of subjective rights and obligations, state economic policy is performed through them.