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Шунк, Вікторія
    Cучасний стан судово-психіатричної експертизи в росії [Текст] = Современное положение судебно-психиатрической экспертизы в России  = The current state of the forensic psychiatric examination in Russia / Вікторія Шунк // .

- Анотація:

У статті розглядається сучасний стан судово-психіатричної експертизи в Росії, на підставі комплексного історико-правового вивчення законодавчих актів і практики їх застосування. Викладається правове становище осіб, щодо яких проводиться експертиза.

В статье рассматривается современное состояние судебно-психиатрической экспертизы в России, на основании комплексного историко-правового изучения законодательных актов и практики их применения. Излагается правовое положение лиц, в отношении которых проводится экспертиза.

The article discusses the current state of the forensic psychiatric examination in Russia, based on a comprehensive study of the historical and legal laws and their application. Outlines the legal status of persons in respect of which an examination. English abstract V. Shunk The current state of the forensic psychiatric examination in Russia The article discusses the current state of the forensic psychiatric examination in Russia, based on a comprehensive study of the historical and legal lawsand their application. It also outlines the legal status of persons in respect of which an examination is being held. A modern stage in the development of psychiatric examination in Russia was marked by the enactment in 1992 of the Law of Russian Federation “On psychiatric assistance and guaranties of the rights of citizens while its provision”. Art.14 of this Law defines general principles and rules of production of forensic psychiatric examination in Russia. As it is determined in the articlethe forensic psychiatric examination is considered to belong to the court's examination category that is held according to the rules of procedural legislature. This kind of examination takes place only in case of receiving an assignment from court (judge) or investigation organs. The author concludes that forensic psychiatric examination is a procedural action that consists of research and expert opinion providing towards the questions, resolving of which requires special knowledge in the fieldsof science, technique, art or craft which are delivered to the expert by the court, a judge, the body of inquiry, the person making the inquiry, the investigator or prosecutor, in order to establish the circumstances that are to prove in a particular case.

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