У статті аналізується господарська компетенція Національного банку України. Досліджуються межі участі Національного банку України у господарських відносинах та доводиться необхідність обмеження господарської правосуб'єктності його органу
В статье анализируется хозяйственная компетенция Национального банка Украины. Исследуются пределы участия Национального банка Украины в хозяйственных отношениях и доказывается необходимость ограничения хозяйственной правосубъектности его органа
Economic competence of National Bank of Ukraine is analyzed in the article. The scopes of National Bank of Ukraine' participation in economic relations are explored and the need to limit its economic legal authority. English abstract A. Helych Economic competence of National Bank of Ukraine Economic competence of National Bank of Ukraine is analyzed in the article. The scopes of National Bank of Ukraine' participation in economic relations are explored and the need to limit its economic legal authority. According to the Constitution of Ukraine on the National Bank of Ukraine, as the central bank of the state, laid quite important function - ensuring the stability of the currency - the hryvnia. In addition, the National Bank of Ukraine is the subject of legal relations, on one side it is their regulator, on the other - a direct participant. It is needed therefore to study the limits of economic and legal competence of the institution. The article is an analysis of the economic competence of the National Bank of Ukraine, based on its administrative-legal and economic-legal status and justification of appropriate limits of its participation in economic relations. Complexity study of the subject provoked multidimensional legal status of the National Bank of Ukraine as a participant of legal relations, as its rights and obligations are determined by bank, financial, administrative, economic and civil law. First of all, it should be noted that the legal status of the National Bankof Ukraine by the Law of Ukraine "On the National Bank of Ukraine", according to which it is the central bank of Ukraine, especially the central government, legal status, tasks, functions, powers and organization principles are determined by the Constitution and legislation of Ukraine. A special legal status of the National Bank of Ukraine caused by the fact that it is the body that has the appropriate administrative and regulatory powers (an authority), and the legal person that may be the entity. Thus, the state as multidimensional socio-legal phenomenon through the relevant bodies has the opportunity to participate in economic relations agencies by providing legal status. This approach including meet enshrined in the Civil Code of Ukraine legal forms of participation of the state in civil relations (Art. 167, 170). Analysis of the legislative and scientific views on the status of the National Bank of Ukraine, lead to the following conclusions. First, the National Bank of Ukraine isthe state body charged with the function of providing stability of national currency and banking regulation. Given this, it is endowed with economic competence for external influence on economic relations (as a regulator of relations) and economic legal personality to participate in the treaty economic relations, as well as creating legal entities of public law (as member relations). Secondly, the status of the body as a legal entity does not provide legal business in full, because it is contrar