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M78    Moving into the Future. National standards for physical education [Текст] / National Association for Sport and Physical Education, an association of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. — 2nd ed. — Reston : McGraw-Hill, 2004. — VI, 58 p.
ISBN 13: 978-088314-909-6

- Ключові слова:

національні стандарти, национальные стандарты ; фізичне виховання, физическое воспитание, ФВ ; рухова активність, двигательная активность, ДА ; здоровий спосіб життя, здоровый образ жизни,ЗОЖ ; рух (людини), движение (человека)

- Анотація:

Движение в будущее. Национальный стандарт физического воспитания.

The figure on the cover is a solid geometric shape called an icosahedron. It has 20 sides and provides a basis for the symbolic representation of human movement, called labanotation. The human figure inside the icosahedron demonstrates that the motion of a person can be described by using the planes of the shape as reference points in describing range, direction, quality, and form of physical movement. This symbolic description allows the recording of movement patterns so that they may be repeated later or learned by multiple performers. We have based the design of this book on the icosahedron because such recording of movement in order to reproduce performance is especially important in forms such as dance, figure skating, gymnastics, diving, and synchronized swimming, but it may also be used to describe any movement.

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