Зведений каталог бібліотек Києва
Polyakova, T. D. Theoretical and experimental substantiation of the physical culture and sports activities selection of students of the specialty physical rehabilitation and ergotherapy in organization of sports pedagogical improvement in the higher educational insti [Текст] / T.D. Polyakova, V.B. Loshakov, Mokhamed Khamed та ін. // Olympic Sports and Sport for All. Sport, Stress, Adaptation : proceeding book of XVI International Scientific Congress and VI International Scientific Congress (17-19 May 2012 ) : extra issue of Sport and science / ed. staff: P. Gashev, D. Dasheva, S. Videnova ; National Sport Academy "Vassil Leski". — Sofia, 2012. — P. 363-366.
Автор: Polyakova T.D., Loshakov V.B., Khamed Mokhamed, Abdelmazhid S., Goralchuk E.V., Sirutz A.L.
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Olympic Sports and Sport for All. Sport, Stress, Adaptation [Текст] : proceeding book of XVI International Scientific Congress and VI International Scientific Congress (17-19 May 2012 ) : extra issue of Sport and science / ed. staff: P. Gashev, D. Dasheva, S. Videnova ; National Sport Academy "Vassil Leski". — Sofia, 2012. — 859 p.