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Bolach, E.
    Motivations of disabled people to sport practising [Текст] / E. Bolach, B. Bolach, J. Trzonkowski // Молода спортивна наука України : збірник наукових праць з галузі фіз. культури та спорту: анотації, зміст та допоміжні індекси: збірник наукових праць на CD / Львівський ДІФК. — Львів : Українські технології, 2007. — P. 68- 69.

- Анотація:

This thesis is about the essence and meaning of disabled peple's motivations in sport. It is focuused on the most important motives that make disabled people practise sport. The survey was conducted into the gpoup of 60 disabled athletes, both men and women. The results of this research proved that the mail factors that motivated disabled people to practise sport were the scores and the nead of competition. Very important was also the health factor. The conclude this tresis we can say that disabled people were indirtctlj motivated to practise sport by need to being active, the nead of competition, satisfaction from the social contants, the ntad to schow their own physical efficiecy and by rehabilitation functions of sport.

- Зміст:

польською мовою

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