Соціологічний аналіз розвитку окремих країн і континентів
- The long revolution [Текст] / Raymond Williams. — London : Penguin books ; Chatto & Windus, 1973. — 399 p.
- The manipulators [Текст] : America in the media age / Robert Sobel. — Garden City; New York : Anchor press; Doubleday, 1976. — 22,458p.
- The nationalities factor in Soviet politics and society [Текст] / Edited by L.Hajda, M.Beissinger. — Boulder; San Francisco; Oxford : Westview, 1990. — 7,331p.
- The New professionals [Текст] / ed.by Ronald Gross, Paul Osterman. — Simon and Schuster. — 316 p.
- The new student left [Текст] : an anthology / ed. by Mitchell Cohen, Dennis Hale; foreword by C. McWilliams. — Boston : Beacon press, 1967. — XXXIII, 339 p.
- The obscenity report [Текст] : The report to the task force on pornography and obscenity. — New York : Stein and Day, 1970. — 130p. : Ill.
- The pleasure seekers: The drug crisis, youth and society [Текст] / Joel Fort. — Indianapolis; New York, 1969. — 255с.
- The practice of management [Текст] / Peter Drucker. — New York; Evanston, 1954. — 404с.
- The quest for intimacy [Текст] / Robert H. Lauer, Jeanette C. Lauer. — 2nd ed. — Madison; Wisconsin a.o. : Brown and Benchmark, 1994. — XYIII, 535 p. : ill.
- The Republic of Moldova on the path of transformation: socio-humanistic aspects [Текст] / Acad. of sciences of Moldova, Inst. of european integration and political sciences ; [V. Moraru (coord.), S. Ciumac, A. Rosca et al.]. — [Chisinau] : ["Tipogr.-Sirius"SRL], 2011. — 247 p. : ill.
- The shook-up generation [Текст] / Harrison Salisbury. — Greenwich, 1967. — 192с.
- The shrinking state: Governance and human development in Eastern Europe and the commonwealth of independent states [Текст] : A UNDP regional report. — New York : Regional bureau for Europe and the CIS of the UN development programme, 1997. — IX,125p.
- The sociopathology of education [Текст] / Zbigniew Kwiecinski. — Torun : Edytor, 1995. — 254s.
- The state in capitalist society [Текст] / Ralph Miliband. — London a.o. : Quartet books, 1977. — 262p.
- The status seekers [Текст] / Vance Packard. — New York, 1964. — 339с.
- The status seekers [Текст] / V. Packard. — Richmond Hill : Simon and Schuster, 1970. — 342 p.
- The trouble with government [Текст] / Derek Bok. — Cambridge ; London : Harvard university press, 2001. — 493 p.
- The vertical mosaic [Текст] : An analysis of social class and power in Canada / John Porter. — Toronto : Univ. of Toronto press, 1966. — 22,626p.
- To chainthe dog of war [Текст] : the War Power of Congress in History and Law / F.D. Wormuth, F.B. Edwin. — 2nd ed. — Urbana ; Chicago : In-ty of Illinois Press, 1989. — XIV, 361 p.
- Today''s Latin America [Текст] / R.J. Alexander. — Garden City : Anchor books; Doubleday, 1962. — XI, 263 p.
- Travelling seminar: Women in poverty [Текст] : Guinea, Senegal, April 1997 / United Nations Development programme, Division of public affairs. — New York : UNDP, 1997. — 88p.
- Turk ahlakinin ilkeleri [Текст] / Tezer Taskiran. — Istanbul : M.E.B., 2000. — 31s.
- Turk ailesi [Текст] / Mehmet Eroz. — Ankara : M.E.B., 2000. — 45[3]s.
- Turk milletinin manevi degerleri [Текст] / Amiran Kurtkan. — Istanbul : M.E.B., 2000. — 71s.
- Unsere letzten Jahre [Текст] : Fragmente aus Deutschland 1970-1980 / J. Gross. — Frankfurt/M ; Berlin ; Wien : Ullstein, 1982. — 288 S.
- Un-Sichtbare Frauen [Текст] : Lesben und ihre Emanzipation in der DDR / Ursula Sillge. — Berlin : LinksDruck, 1991. — 191S.
- Unterwegs nach Deutschland" Kinder im Niemandsland [Текст] : Protokolle nach Gesprachen / Annegret Hofmann. — Berlin : Aufbau, 1992. — 156S.
- Waar blijft de tijd [Текст] : onderzoek naar de tijdsbesteding van Nederlanders / Wim Knulst, Leo Schoonderwoerd ; Social en сultureel planbureau. — "s-Gravenhage : Staatsuitgeverij, 1983. — 313 blz.
- White collar: the American middle classes [Текст] / C.Wright Mills. — London a.o., 1973. — 378с.
- White women, black men [Текст] : Illicit sex in the nineteenth-century South / Martha Hodes. — New Haven, London : Yale university рress, 1997. — 12,338p.
- Who rules America? [Текст] / G.William Domhoff. — Englewood Cliffs, 1967. — 184с.
- Who rules America? [Текст] : power, politics, and social change / G. William Domhoff. — 5th ed. — Boston [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2006. — XVIII, 265 p.
- Wspolczesne spoleczenstwo amerykanskie w perspektywie socjologicznej [Текст] / Tadeusz Paleczny. — Krakow : Wydaw. Uniw. Jagiellonskiego, 2007. — 204 s.
- Wychowanie a polityka. Miedzy wychowaniem narodowym a panstwowym [Текст] / Pod red. W.Wojdyly; Uniw. M.Kopernika. — Torun : Wyd-wo Uniw. M.Kopernika, 1999. — 151s.
- Zwischen Lustprinzip und Okoaskese [Текст] : Aufbruch in eine konservative Neuzeit? / M.A. Hofer. — Zurich ; Osnabruck : Interfrom, Fromm, 1987. — 170, [5] S.
- Zycie na emeryturze w warunkach polskich przemian systemowych [Текст] : Studium teoretyczno-diagnostyczne / Elzbieta Trafialek. — Kielce : Wyzsza szkola pedagogiczna im.Jana Kochanowskiego, 1998. — 436S.