Економіка окремих країн
- Sytuacja gospodarcza kraju w roku 1958 [Текст] : Materialy 2. posiedzenia plenarnego Rady Ekonomicznej w roku 1959 / Rada Ekonomiczna przy Radzie Ministrow. — Warszawa : Polskie wyd-wa gospodarcze, 1959. — 222 p.
- Tanzania [Текст] : social sector review. — Washington : The World bank, [ 1999 ]. — [ 2 ], 203, [ 3 ] p.
- Tanzania [Текст] : the story of an African transition / Nord Roger [ et. al. ] ; International Monetary Fund. — Washington : IMF, 2009. — 74 p. : il., tab.
- Taschenkalender fur die sozialistische Landwirtschaft 1983: Gartnerische Produktion [Текст]. — Berlin, 1983. — 256с.
- Taxes [Текст] / Kenneth Smith. — Minneapolis, 1970. — 79с.
- Tax shelters in Canada; What are they? How do they work? How have they changed? [Текст] / W.E. MacLeod. — Vancouver a.o., 1981. — 149с.
- Teaching the elephant to dance: the manager"s guide to empowering change [Текст] / James Belasco. — New York, 1991. — 276с.
- Teaduslike uurimistoode annotatsioonid. (1965-1968) [Текст]. — Tartu, 1969. — 177с.
- Technologie und Arbeitsorganisation in der Verkaufstelle [Текст]. — Berlin, 1974. — 128с.
- Telecommunications management: the broadcast & cable industries [Текст] / Barry Sherman. — New York a.o., 1987. — 417с.
- Teoretyczne i praktyczne problemy przedsiebiorczosci doswiadczenia polskiej reformy gospodarczej: Materialy VI Szkoly Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego Karpacz, 15-21 kwietnia1985 r. [Текст]. — Wroclaw, 1986. — 147с.
- Teoria i polityka kursu walutowego [Текст] / Elzbieta Chrabonszczewska, Krzysztof Kalicki. — Warszawa : Szkola glowna handlowa, 1998. — 171s.
- Terve, perestroika! [Текст] / Pia Pajur. — Tallinna, 1989. — 112с.
- The adjustment of Polish companies to the market ekonomy [Текст] / Ed. by Z. Wisniewski. — Torun : Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika, 1996. — 199p.
- The affluent society [Текст] / John Galbraith. — Harmondsworth, 1963. — 298с.
- The affluent society [Текст] / John Galbraith. — Toronto, 1966. — 286с.
- The almanac of Cyprus: 1992. [Текст]. — Nicosia, 1991. — 358с.
- The application of science in the wool industry [Текст] / M. Lipson. — New England : University of New England, 1973. — 12p.
- The art of profitability [Текст] / Adrian Slywotzky. — New York : Warner books; Time Warner company, 2002. — 11, [1]254p. : ill.
- The Baltics [Текст] : Competitiveness on the eve of EU accession / Robert Burgess, Stefania Fabrizio, Yuan Xiao. — Washington : IMF, 2004. — X,69p. : ill.
- The Business of Banking [Текст] / Gerald Klein, Janice Lambert. — London : Methuen & Co.LTD., 1987. — 233 p.
- The CFA franc zone [Текст] : common currency, uncommon challenges / editors: Anne-Marie Gulde, Charalambos Tsangarides. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 11, 397 p. : ill.
- The coming currency collapse and what you can do about it [Текст] / Jerome Smith. — New York, 1980. — 205с.
- The complete real estate adviser [Текст] / Daniel Benedictis. — New York, 1979. — 314с.
- The concept of the corporation [Текст] / Peter Drucker. — New York; Toronto, 1964. — 254с.
- The confessions of a capitalist [Текст] / Ernest Benn. — 13th ed. — London, 1936. — 255с.
- The consumer and his dollars [Текст] / Foreword by E. Peterson. — Dobbs Ferry : Oceana, Ferry, 1966. — XIII, 365 p. : ill.
- The credit jungle [Текст] / Al. Griffin. — Chicago, 1971. — 230с.
- The dynamic laws of prosperity [Текст] / Catherine Ponder. — Marina del Rey, 1985. — 430с.
- The economics of gender in Mexico: work, family, state and market [Текст] / ed. Elizabeth G. Katz, Maria C. Correia. — Washington : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development : World Bank, 2001. — 16,297 p.
- The Economics of the Distributive Trades [Текст] / Patrick MacAnally. — London, 1971. — 170с.
- The Eternally Successful Organization: The Art of Corporate Wellness [Текст] / Philip Crosby. — New York, 1990. — 255с.
- The European company as a unique supranational form for doing business in Europe: status quo and future prospects [Текст] = Європейська компанія як унікальна понаднаціональна форма ведення бізнесу в Європі: сучасний стан і майбутні перспективи / Fransuaza Kopeyka. — Kyiv : Kyiv-Mohyla Acad., 2011. — 50, [2] p.
- The exchange should be built here [Текст] / D.L. Kondratiev. — Москва : ММВБ, 2000. — 176с.
- The fast forward MBA in business communication [Текст] / L. Vicker, R. Hein. — New York Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
- The fast forward MBA in hiring [Текст] : Finding aand keeping the best people / M. Messmer. — New York Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1998. — 236p.
- The fast forward MBA in marketing [Текст] / D. Muphy. — New York Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
- The fast forward MBA in project management [Текст] / E. Verzuh. — New York Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1999. — 332p.
- The fast forward MBA in selling [Текст] : Become a self-motivated profit-center - and prosper / J.J.D. Baldridge. — New York Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2000. — 216p.
- The First 365 Days: A constructive retrospective of the economic reforms in Ukraine in the year 2000 [Текст] : Kyiv, January 2001 / German advisory group on economic reforms with the ukrainian government. — Київ, 2001. — 59с.
- The Foreign Trade of China: Policy, Law and Practice [Текст] / Gene Hsiao. — Berkeley a.o., 1977. — 291с.
- The foreman"s place in management [Текст] / C.C. Smith. — New York - London, 1946. — 159с.
- The great American motion sikness or why you can"t get there from here [Текст] / John Burby. — Boston; Toronto : Little, Brown and company, 1971. — 408p.
- The Green Consumer Supermarket Guide [Текст] / Joel Makower. — Harmondsworth, 1991. — 187с.
- The handbook of multisource feedback [Текст] : the comprehensive resource for designing and implementing MSF processes / editors: David W. Bracken, Carol W. Timmreck, Allan H. Church; foreword by D. Campbell. — San Francisco : Wiley, Jossey-Bass, 2001. — 45, 557 p.
- The IMF and aid to Sub-Saharan Africa [Текст] / IMF, Independent evaluation office; Prepared by a team led by Joanne Salop, including Martin Kaufman...[et. al.]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2007. — 9,89 p.
- The IMF and Argentina, 1991-2001 [Текст] : Evaluation report / IMF, Independent evaluation office; Prepared by a team headed by Shinji Takagi. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2004. — 8,122p.
- The impact of Spain`s integration with the EC on trade and foreign investment [Текст] / Oscar Bajo, Angel Torres. — Wroclaw : Wyd-wo Akad. ekonom. im.O.Langego we Wroclawiu, 2001. — 100s.
- The Japanese industrial system [Текст] / Charles MacMillan. — 2nd revis. ed. — Berlin; New York, 1989. — 356с.
- The McGraw-Hill real estate handbook [Текст] / Ed. R. Irwin. — 2nd ed. — New York a.o. : McGraw-Hill, 1993. — XXY, 641 p.