Економіка окремих країн
- The Middle East and North Africa in a changing oil market [Текст] / Bright Okogu. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2003. — 23p.
- The Mind of the Strategist [Текст] / Kenichi Ohmae. — Harmondsworth, 1983. — 283с.
- The Netherlands compared internationally [Текст] : Holland 1997/1998 / Netherlands foreign trade agency (EVD). — The Hague : EVD, 1997. — 33c.
- The plague of the black debt [Текст] : How to survive the coming depression / James Davidson. — Baltimore : Agora, 1993. — 114p.
- The plot to make you buy [Текст] / J.Fisher. — New York : [S. n.], 1968. — 209с.
- The plungers and the peacocks [Текст] / Dana Thomas. — New York : Putnam"s sons, 1967. — 314p.
- The political economy of Japan [Текст]. — Stanford : Stanford Univer. Press, 1987. — 667 p.
- The politics of local government finance [Текст] / Tony Travers. — London a.o., 1986. — 241с.
- The portable MBA in management [Текст] / [ed.] Allan R. Cohen. — 2nd ed. — New York : Wiley, 2002. — 6,402p.
- The profit zone [Текст] : How strategiс business design will lead you to tomorrow"s profits / A. J.Slywotzky, D.J. Morrison with B.Andelman. — New York : Three rivers press, 2002. — 342p. : ill.
- The quest for regional integration in the East African community [Текст] / editors: Paulo Drummond, S. Kal Wajid, and Oral Williams. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, [2014]. — IV, [1], 302 p. : ill., tab.
- The real poverty report [Текст] / I. Adams, W. Cameron a.o. — Edmonton, 1971. — 255с.
- The red executive [Текст] : A study of the organization man in Russian industry / D. Granic. — Garden City : Anchor books, Doubleday,, 1961. — 294, [8] p.
- The reform of local finance in Central and Eastern Europe [Текст] / Council of Europe; Report prep. by a Group of experts on local finance. — Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1992. — 120 p.
- The Republic of China yearbook. 1997 [Текст]. — Taipei, 1997. — 834с.
- The rise of the Korean economy [Текст] / Byung-Nak Song. — 3rd ed. — Oxford; New York : Oxford university press, 2003. — 31,365 p.
- The road to a free economy [Текст] : Shifting from a socialist system: the example of Hungary / Janos Kornai. — New York; London : Norton, 1990. — 224p.
- The road to riches: the principles which govern efforts to make a living [Текст] / Joseph Lawrence. — New York, 1932. — 297с.
- The road to stability and prosperity in South Eastern Europe [Текст] : a regional strategy paper / The World bank. Europe a. Centr. Asia reg. — Washington : The World bank, 2000. — 9, 156, [ 15 ] p., [ 1 ] l. m.
- The scientific intelligentsia in the USSR (Structure and dynamics of personnel) [Текст] / D.M. Gvishiani, S.R. Mikulinsky, S.A. Kugel. — M., 1976. — 247с.
- The service edge [Текст] : 101 companies that profit from customer care / Forew. by T. Peters. — New York : A plume book, 1990. — XVIII, 584 p.
- The Smith College Job Guide: How to Find and Manage Your First Job [Текст] / Elizabeth Tener. — New York, 1991. — 310с.
- The Soviet economy: an introduction [Текст] / Alec Nove. — Revis. 3rd. ed. — London, 1968. — 373с.
- The Soviet Foreign Trade: Institutions and Laws [Текст] / John Quigley. — Columbus, 1974. — 256с.
- The soviet planned economy [Текст] / K.N. Plotnikov. — M., 1974. — 350с.
- The Swiss banks [Текст] / T.R. Fehrenbach. — New York; London; Toronto : MacGraw-Hill book, 1966. — 6,[2],276p.
- "The system of civilized cooperators is the system of socialism": On the historical stability of cooperation [Текст]. — M., 1989. — 40с.
- The Toyota Foundation: 30 years of history, 1974-2004 [Текст] : History. — Tokyo : Toyota Foundation, 2007. — 421,[1]p.
- The Toyota Foundation: 30 years of history, 1974-2004 [Текст] : Record of grants. — Tokyo : Toyota Foundation, 2007. — 479,[1]p.
- The Toyota Foundation : 30 years of history [Текст] : 1974-2004 / The Toyota Foundation. — Tokyo : Toyota Foundation, 2007. — 1 CD.
- The Toyota Foundation: Report for Fiscal 1980, April 1, 1980 to March 31, 1981 [Текст]. — Tokyo, 1981. — 61с.
- The Ukraine competitiveness report 2008 [Текст] : towards sustained growth and prosperity / Ed.: M. Drzeniek Hanouz, T. Geiger. — Женева : Word Economic Forum, 2008. — 266 p. : ill., tab.
- The Ukraine Competitiveness Report 2009 [Текст] : towards sustained growth and prosperity / Foundation for "Effective governance". — [Киев] : [ Б. И. ], 2009. — 222 p.
- The Ukrainian economy [Текст] : Achievements, problems, challenges / Ed. I.S. Koropeckyj. — Cambridge : Harvard university press, 1992. — 26,[6],436 p. : ill.
- The verse by the side of the road: The story of the Burma-Shave signs and jingles [Текст] / Frank Rowsome. — New York, 1990. — 121с.
- The waste makers [Текст] / Vance Packard. — Richmond Hill, 1970. — 306с.
- To trade on equal basis: Participation of the Byelorussian SSR in the economic activity of the United Nations [Текст] / O. Tikhonov. — Minsk, 1989. — 64с.
- Toward new horizons [Текст] : Arab economic transformation amid political transitions / prepared by a staff team led by Harald Finger and Daniela Gressani, comprising Khaled Abdelkader [et. al.] ; Middle East and Central Asia department. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2014. — IX, 103 p. : tab.
- Transforming the Estonian economy [Текст] / O. Lugus, G.A. Hachey. — Tallinn, 1995. — 351с.
- Trasaturi si principii ale conducerii in Republica Socialista Romania [Текст] / Emil Mihuleac. — Bucuresti, 1981. — 231с.
- Tree management in farmer strategies: responses to agricultural intensification [Текст] : Ed. by A.J. E. Michael, P. A. Dewees. — Oxford a.o. : Oxford university press, 1995. — XI, 292 p.
- UdSSR in Zahlen fur 1987 [Текст] : Statistisches Handbuch / Staaliches Komitee der UdSSR fur Statistik Informationsverlags-zentrum. — Moscou : Finanssy i Statistika, 1988. — 318 s.
- UdSSR in Zahlen fur 1988 [Текст] = СССР в цифрах в 1988 году : Statistisches Handbuch / Staaliches Komitee der UdSSR fur Statistik Informationsverlags-zentrum. — Moscou : Finanssy i Statistika, 1989. — 320 s.
- Uganda [Текст] : policy, participation, people / Jayati Datta-Mitra ; World bank operations evaluation dep. — Washington : The World bank, 2001. — 20, 217 p. : ill., tab.
- Ukraine and the Visegrad Four [Текст] : towards a mutually beneficial relationship / Veronika Pulisova, Tomas Strazay (eds.) // Україна та Вишеградська четвірка : на шляху до взаємовигідних відносин / Вероніка Пулішова, Томаш Стражай (упорядкувачі). — Братіслава : Research center of the Slovak foreign policy assoc., 2010. — P.1-163.
- Ukraine in figures 2013 [Текст] : statistical publication / State statistics service of Ukraine ; [ed.: O.H. Osaulenko]. — Kyiv : Konsultant, 2014. — 239, [1] p. : ill., tab.
- Ukraine: strategic priorities. Analytical estimations - 2004 [Текст] / Under the editorship of A.S.Galchynsky. — Kyiv : NISS, 2004. — 344p.
- Ukraine today [Текст] / Dorofeev B. — Kiev, 1988. — 61 с.
- Ukraine today: Scientific and Technological Progress [Текст] / P. Panchenko, L. Kisterskaya. — Kiev, 1987. — 171с.
- Ultima ratio економічних реформ [Текст] : Наукове видання / О.В. Плотніков. — Київ : Кондор, 2003. — 240с.