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Класифікатори та каталоги
Художні музеї Америки
Художні музеї Сполучених Штатів Америки
Next to Nature. Landscape paintings from the National Academy of Design [Текст] : catalog / forew. J. Dobkin ; intr. B. Novak ; ed. by B. Novak and A. Blaugrund. — New York : Harper & Row, Publishers ; National Academy of Design, 1981. — 214 p. : ill.
Postcards and Posters in Boston [Текст] // Coup de fouet. — Barcelona, 2013. — 20. — P. 58-59. : l.
Schindler by MAK. Prestel Museum Guide [Текст] / edit. by P. Noever. — Munich : Prestel Verlag, 2005. — 200 s. : il.
Still-life painting in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston [Текст] / Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Introduction by T.E. Stebbins, Jr. and E.M. Zafran. — Boston, 1994. — 134 p. : il.
THING [Текст] : Neue Skulpturen aus Los Angeles / Frank-Alexander Hettig // Kunstforum International. — 2005. — № 175. — S. 357-358. : ill.