Держава і право окремих країн
- Snow"s criminal code of Canada [Текст] : Informations, complaints, charges, statutes, criminal law and procedure, forms. — 5th ed./ ed. by A.E.Popple. — Toronto : Carswell, 1939. — 52,820p.
- Some sins are not crimes [Текст] : A plea for reform of the criminal law / A.B. Smith, H. Pollack. — New York : New viewpoints, Division of Franklin Watts, 1975. — XIV, 208 p.
- South West Africa. The Court"s juo ment. 2 studies publ. by the In nat Commission of jurists. Sta Study. Judgment of the Internat Court of Justice on South West Africa (1966) [Текст] / Rosalyn Higgins. — Geneva, 1967. — 84с.
- Soviet land legislatica [Текст] / N. Syrodoyev. — M., 1975. — 147с.
- Space law [Текст] / G. Gal. — Budapest, 1969. — 320с.
- Staat im Staate [Текст] : Auskunfte ehemaliger Stasi-Mitarbeiter / C. Wilkening. — Berlin : Aufbau, 1990. — 208 S.
- Stabilization of local governments [Текст] / Edited by Emilia Kandeva; Local government and public service reform intiative; Open society institute. — Budapest : OSI/LGI, 2001. — 472p.
- Stakingsrecht in Nederland [Текст] : Theorie en praktijk, 1872-1986 / W.S.P. Fortuyn. — Weesp : Fibula-Van Dishoeсk, 1986. — 309 blz.
- State aid law and policy. Law approximation to EU standards in Ukraine [Текст] : Sept. 2016 / Dr Eugene Stuart, Sigitas Cemnolonskis, Iana Roginska // Право та політика у сфері державної допомоги. Гармонізація законодавства України зі стандартами ЄС : вересень 2016 р. / Д-р Юджин Стюарт, Сігітас Цемнолонскіс, Яна Рогінська. — Київ : CROWN AGENTS, 2016. — P. 1-564 : tab.
- Storm center. The Supreme Court in American politics [Текст] / David M. O"Brien. — 7th ed. — New York ; London : W.W. Norton & co, 2005. — XXI, 439 p. : ill.
- Storm center: The Supreme Court in American politics [Текст] / David OBrien. — New York; London, 1986. — 384с.
- Strategia bezpieczenstwa narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [Текст] / Biuro Bezpieczenstwa Narodowego. — Warszawa : Biuro Bezpieczenstwa Narodowego, 2014. — 57, [3] s.
- Strengthening the States [Текст] : Essays on legislative reform / Edited by Donald G. Herzberg, Alan Rosenthal. — Garden City : Anchor books; Doubleday & company, 1972. — XIII,258p.
- Studia iuridica auctoritate Universitatis Pecs publicata [Текст]. — Pecs, 2001. — № 127.
- Studia prawno-ekonomiczne [Текст]. — Lodz, 1997. — 1997. — Studia prawno ekonomiczne.
- Studia prawno-ekonomiczne [Текст]. — Lodz : Lodzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2004. — T. 70.
- Studia z prawa cywilnego i gospodarczego [Текст] / Akademia ekonomiczna w Krakowie. — Krakow : Wydawnictwo Akademii ekonomicznej w Krakowie, 2000. — 258s.
- Succesiunea statelor la tratatele internationale [Текст] / Victor Duculescu. — Bucuresti, 1972. — 269с.
- Summary of data of public monitoring of court hearings of criminal trafficking cases in Kherson, Luhansk and Zhytomyr oblasts of Ukraine [Текст] / American Bar Association "Rule of law initiative" ; [prepared Judge Nadiya S. Stefaniv]. — Kyiv : [American Bar Association], 2010. — 36 p. : табл.
- Swiss case law in international arbitration [Текст] / Christoph Muller. — 2nd revised ed. — Geneve ; Zurich ; Bale : Schulthess Medias Juridiques SA, 2010. — XXXV, 532 p. : tab.
- Swiss rules of international arbitration [Текст] : commentary / eds. Tobias Zuberbuhler, Christoph Muller, Philipp Habegger. — 2nd ed. — Huntington ; Zurich ; Basel ; Geneva : Juris ; Schulthess, 2013. — XLIII, 550 p.
- Systemy wyborcze [Текст] : Wprowadzenie / Arkadiusz Zukowski. — 2ge wyd., poszerzone i uaktualnione. — Olsztyn : Wyzsza szkola pedagogiczna, 1999. — 187s.
- Testament und Erbrecht. Beck-Rechtsbucher fur jedermann [Текст] / Walter Friedrich. — Munchen, 1970. — 231с.
- The American constitution [Текст] : its origins and development / Alfred Kelly, Winfred Harbison, Herman Belz. — 6th ed. — New York; London : Norton, 1983. — 14,877p.
- The appearance of justice [Текст] / John MacKenzie. — New York : Scribner"s sons, 1974. — 13,304p.
- The applicability of new public management principles in Estonian local goverment [Текст] / K.Tonnisson. — Tartu : Tartu university press, 2006. — 166р. — (ISSN1406-698X).
- The constitution and the new deal [Текст] / G. Edward White. — 2nd printing. — Cambridge; London : Harvard university press, 2001. — 10,385 p.
- The crime of punishment [Текст] / Karl Menninger. — New York : The Viking press, 1968. — 304p.
- The criminal courts [Текст] : structures, personnel, and processes / N.G. Holten, L.L.Lamar. — New York : McGraw-Hill, 1991. — XYIII, 398 p. : il.
- The defense never rests [Текст] / Bailey Lee, Harvey Aronson. — New York, 1972. — 316с.
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- The fair and equitable treatment standard [Текст] : a guide to NAFTA case law on article 1105 / Patrick Dumberry. — Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer Law & Businnes, Kluwer Law International, 2013. — XXV, 364 p.
- The feasibility of establishing a world population institute. Report of a United Nations (UNESCO) WHO Mission [Текст]. — New York, 1971. — 69с.
- The Federal bureau of investigation [Текст] / Max Lowenthal. — New York : William Sloane associates, 1950. — [8],559p.
- The federalist [Текст] : a commentary on the Constitution of the United States from the original text of A. Hamilton, J. Jay, J. Madison / Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison ; introd. by Edward Mead Earle. — New York : The Modern library, [ s. a. ]. — 45, 622 p.
- The future of the international logal order. Wealth and resources [Текст] / R.A. Falk. — Princeton, 1970. — 343с.
- The key to human rights-implementation [Текст] / William Korey. — N.Y., 1969. — 70с.
- The Laws of Sierra Leone in force on the 1-st day of January 1960 [Текст] / C.G.Ames. — Lond., 1960. — 566с.
- The Laws of Sierra Leone in force on the I-st day of January 1960 [Текст] / C.G.Ames. — Lond., 1960. — 567-1198с.
- The legal status of joint ventures in the USSR [Текст]. — M., 1989. — 183с.
- The Localm Integration of Refugees in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. "A Strategy for Action" [Текст] / Oldrich Andrysek, Tarja Rantala // Интеграция беженцев в Республике Беларусь, Республике Молдова и Украине. "Стратегия действий" : / Олдрих Андрысек, Тарья Рантала ; [редактирование и пер. с англ. Э.-М. Деммер]. — Киев : Европейская Комиссия, 2008. — P. 1-186.
- The Ohrid seminar on minorities. United nations seminar on the promotion and protection of human rights of national, ethniq and other minorities. Ohrid, Yugoslavia. 25 june - 8 july 1974 [Текст]. — Skopje, 1977. — 285с.
- The paralegal's role at trial [Текст] / Kerri W. Feeney. — New York : Wiley & Sons, 1993. — XIII, 325 p.
- The partial constitution [Текст] / Cass Sunstein. — Cambridge: London : Harvard university press, 1997. — 414p.
- The practitioner"s guide to mediation [Текст] : A client-centered approach / Stephen K.Erickson, Marilyn S.McKnight. — New York а.о. : Wiley, 2001. — 9,[1],275 p.
- The principle of proportionality in European law [Текст] : A comparative study / Nicholas Emiliou. — London a.o. : Kluwer law international, 1996. — 30,288p.
- The right to a good administration and its impact on public administration"s procedures [Текст] / ed.: E. Balan, G. Varia, C. Iftene, D. Troanta, M. Vacarelu. — Bucuresti : Comunicare.ro, 2010. — 184 p. : ill.
- The scientific-technological revolution and the contradictions of capitalism [Текст]. — M., 1982. — 660с.
- The secret rulers [Текст] : Criminal syndicates and how they control the U.S. underworld / F.J. Cook. — New York : Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1966. — V, [2], 373 p.