Ядерна фізика
- On the problem of bound states in pion-pion interaction. Submitted to nuclear physics [Текст] / G. Domokos, P. Suranyi. — Дубна, 1964. — 9 с.
- On the reaction p+p - l+l with polarized particles [Текст] / S.M. Bilenky, R.M. Ryndin. — Dubna, 1964. — 8 с.
- Peteris Prokofjevs. Biobibliografija [Текст] / Latv.Zinatn.akad.LU Cietvielu fizikas inst.Latvijas Akad.biblioteka. — Riga : LAB, 2000. — 124с.
- Photons and nuclei [Текст] = Физика для всех. Кн. 4. Фотоны и ядра/ Китайгородский А.И. : tr. from Rus. / A.I. Kitaigorodsky. — 2nd printing. — Moscow : Mir Publishers, 1983. — 235 с.
- Photons and nuclei [Текст] / A.I. Kitaigorodsky. — M. : Mir, 1981.
- Physics and chemistry of fission [Текст] : Proceedings of the Symposium on Physics and chemistry of fission held by the Internat. Atomic Energy Agency in Salzburg, 22-26 March 1965 / Symposium on Physics and chemistry of fission held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Salzburg, March . — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1965. — 470 p.
- Physics and chemistry of fission [Текст] : Proceedings of the Symposium on Physics and chemistry of fission held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Salzburg, 22-26 March 1965 / Symposium on Physics and chemistry of fission held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Salzburg, March . — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1965. — 634 p.
- Physics for engineering specialities. Credit-module system [Текст] = Фізика для інженерних спеціальностей. Кредитно-модульна ситема : manual : 4 vol. / V.V. Kulish, N.L. Kozlova, H.Ya. Kuznetsova, G.E. Marinchenko. — Kyiv : NAU-druk, 2010. — 205, [3] p. : ill., tab.
- Physics of fast and intermediate reactors. Proceedings of the seminar on the physics of fast and intermediate reactors sponsored by the Internat. Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna. 3-11.VIII [Текст]. — Vienna, 1962. — 488 p.
- Physics of high-temperature reactors [Текст] / L. Massimo. — Oxford a.o. : Pergamon Press, 1976. — 219 с.
- Physics. Wave and quantum optics. Atomic physics [Текст] = Фізика. Хвильова та квантова оптика. Атомна фізика : Laboratory works for students of all specialities / Authors: Maximov S.L., Marinchenko A.E.; Ministry of education and science of Ukraine; NAU. — Kyiv, 2001. — 60 с.
- Polarizarea si orientarea in fizica nucleara [Текст] / Jon Manzatu. — Bucuresti, 1969. — 372с.
- Preparation et etalonnage des sources radioactives de reference. [Текст] / A. Gandy. — Vienne, 1961. — 100 p.
- Proton and neutron distributions calculated using an effective single particle potential [Текст] / C.J. Batty, G.W. Greenless. — Chilton. — 24с.
- Przemiany jadrowe a powloka elektronowa [Текст] / S.W. Starodubcew, A.M. Romanow. — Warszawa, 1963. — 374 с.
- Radiation damage in reactor materials Part of the Proceedings of the Symposium on radiation damage in solids and reactor materials held by the Internat. Atomic Energy Agency at the fondazione Cini, [Текст]. — Vienna, 1963. — 762 с.
- Radioactivity and nuclear physics [Текст] / J. Cork. — 4-th printing. — Toronto, e.o. : D.Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1961. — 313 p.
- Recent advances in bubble chamber technique [Текст] / H. Filthuth. — Dubna, 1964. — 52 p.
- Recent progress in meson and baryon spectroscopy [Текст] / A. Rosenfeld. — K., 1966. — 36с.
- Resonancia del F18 por bombardeo de 0 16 con deuterones [Текст] / G. Lopez, F. Alba, M-Mazari y M.E. Ortiz. — Mexico, 1959. — С. 17-26.
- Self consistent calculation of nuclear equilibrium deformations [Текст] / K.and Dietrich. — 1965. — 30 p.
- Semiclassical descriptions of atomic and nuclear collisions [Текст] : Proceedings of the Niels Bohr centennial conference. Copenhagen, March 25-28, 1985 / Ed. by J. Bang, J. De Boer. — Amsterdam a.o. : North-Holland, 1985. — 487 p.
- Six physiciens a la decouverte de l`atome [Текст] : tr. du russe / F. Kedrov. — Moscou : Mir, 1979. — 271 p.
- Sixth International conference on atomic physics [Текст] : Abstracts of contributed papers / Conference on atomic physics. — Riga : Physics Institute of the Latvian SSR, 1978. — 541p.
- Sixth International Conference on atomic physics. Proceedings [Текст] / R. Damburg. — Riga, 1978. — 666с.
- Sixth international conference on atomic physics. Riga, August 17-22, 1978 [Текст] : Abstracts of contributed papers. Postdeadline papers. — Riga, 1978. — 40 p.
- Some aspects of applications of photographic emulsions. (Invited paper presented at the V-th Internat. Conference on Nuclear Photography, Geneva, 15-IX-1964) [Текст] / K.D. Tolstov. — Dubna, 1964. — 10 с.
- Some results of studies of proton beam production and trasport for planim. Science Research Council [Текст] / A. Carne, C.W. Planner, J. Ranft a.o. — Chilton. — 3с.
- Structure of the excited states with Kп=2+ of even-even deformed nuclei [Текст] / V.G. Soloviev. — Dubna, 1964. — 8 с.
- Tabellen zur angewandten Kernphysik [Текст] / Manfred Ardenne. — Berlin, 1956. — 140 с.
- Textbook of elementary physics [Текст] : tr. from rus. / Ed. by G.S. Landsberg. — Moscow : Mir Publishers, 1972. — 502 p.
- The facts on file dictionary of atomic and nuclear physics [Текст] / Edited by R.Rennie. — New York : Checkmark books, 2003. — 250p.
- The Key to the Universe: A Report on the New Physics [Текст] / Nigel Calder. — New York : Viking Press, 1977. — 199 с.
- The nuclear binding energy and neutron"s structure [Текст] / J. A. Kriz. — Revised ed. — Brno, 2006. — 20 p.
- Theoretische kernphysik [Текст] / John Blatt, Victor Weisskopf. — Leipzig, 1959. — 740 S.
- The reports at the symposium on radiation in Oxford. (July, 1959) [Текст]. — Leningrad, 1959. — 76 с.
- Underground physics, 87 [Текст] : Proceedings of the 2nd intern. symposium Baksan Valley 1987 / Academy of sciences of the USSR, in-t for nuclear research. — Moscow : nauka, 1988. — 319 p. : ill.
- Uvod do molekulove a atomove fysiky [Текст] / Zdenek Horak. — 2. rev. a dop. vydani. — Praha, 1957. — 536 с.
- Verzeichnis der Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Julich [Текст] : veroffentlicht in der Zeit von Dezember 1969 bis Januar 1971 / KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE JULICH Gesellschaft mit Beschrankter Haftung , Zentralbibliothek. — Julich : [s. n.], 1967. — 36 S.
- Verzeichnis der Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Julich [Текст] : veroffentlicht in der Zeit von Juli 1960 bis November 1969 / KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE JULICH Gesellschaft mit Beschrankter Haftung , Zentralbibliothek. — Julich : [s. n.], 1967. — 160 S.
- Verzeichnis der Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Julich des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen - e.V [Текст] : veroffentlicht in der Zeit von Juli 1960 bis April 1967 / KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE JULICH des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen - e.V. ; Zentralbibliothek. — [S. l. : s. n.], 1967. — 81 S.
- Zaklady atomove fysiky [Текст] / Ladislav Drska. — Praha, 1958. — 616 с.