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- Occasional papers of the Museum of zoology, the University of Michigan [Текст]. — Ann Arbor, 1998. — N 725.
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- Occasional papers of the Museum of zoology, the University of Michigan [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2003. — N 734 : Arius verrucosus, a new species of freshwater ariid catfish (teleostei: ariidae) from the Mekong river /Heok Hee.
- Occasional papers of the Museum of zoology, the University of Michigan [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2003. — N 735 : The ariid catfishes (teleostei: siluriformes: ariidae) of Madagascar, with the description of two new species /Heok Hee Ng, J.S. Sparks.
- Occasional papers of the Museum of zoology, the University of Michigan [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2003. — N 736 : An annotated list of the name-bearing types of species-group names in Odonata preserved in the University of Michigan Museum of zoology /R.W.Garrison a.o.
- Occasional papers of the Museum of zoology, the University of Michigan [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2006. — N 737 : Taxonomic status the hispaniolan cichlidae/P. Chakrabarty.
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- Occasional papers of the Museum of zoology, the University of Michigan [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2006. — N 739 : Observations and re-description of Zonosaurus boettgeri Steindachner 1891and description of a second new species of long-tailed Zonosaurus from Western Madagascar/A. P. Raselimanana a.o.