Планування. Прогнозування
- Business plans for dummies [Текст] / Paul Tiffany, Steven D.Peterson; Foreword by J.B.Schulze. — Foster City a.o. : IDG books worldwide, 1997. — 24,354 p. : ill.
- Complete business plan [Електронний ресурс] [Текст] : version 1.0a. — [S.l.] : Adams media corporation, 1998. — 1CD.
- Contemporary engineering economics [Текст] / Chan Park. — Reading a.o. : Addison-Wesley, 1993. — 22,780,[71]p. + 1 diskette.
- Gospodarowanie za pomoca planowania [Текст] : Analiza krytyczna / Wieslaw Samecki // Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. 2233 / Uniwersytet Wroclawski - Wroclaw : Wyd-wo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego , 2000. — S.1-288.
- IMF forecasts [Текст] : process, quality, and country perspectives : evaluation report / Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund ; [prepared by an IEO team led by Hans Genberg]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2014. — X, 58 p. : tab.
- Kultur in Polen [Текст]. — Warszawa : Verlag Interpress. — (Економіка України : політико-економічний ж-л. — Київ : Преса України, 2001. — № 6).
- Managerial economics & business strategy [Текст] / Michael R. Baye. — Boston a.o. : Irwin; McGraw-Hill, 2000. — 26,558p. : ill. + 1 дискета (3/е).
- Mezinarodni planovani. (Zkusenost a moznosti RVHP) [Текст] / Milan Cizkovsky. — Praha, 1971. — 189с.
- Planung im RGW: Zusammenarbeit der RGW-Lander in der Planung [Текст]. — Berlin, 1980. — 191с.
- Scaling the peaks of business strategy when visibility is poor, the ground keeps moving and the climbing party can`t seem to stay together! [Текст] : An inaugural public lecture delivered at the Armidale town hall, New South Wales, on 6 June 2000 / The University of New England. — Armidale : The University of New England, 2000. — 25p.
- Teoria prognozy ekonometrycznej w gospodarce socjalistycznej [Текст] / Zbigniew Pawlowski. — Wyd. 2. — Warszawa, 1974. — 242с.