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- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2003. — Vol.31, N 1 : A new abelisaurid (dinosauria, theropoda) from the Lameta formation (cretaceous, maastrichtian) of India.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2003. — Vol.31, N 2 : Small limnocyonines (hyaenodontidae, mammalia) from the Bridgerian middle eocene of Wyoming... /M.Morlo, G.F.Gunnel.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2003. — Vol.31, N 3 : New species of protosiren (mammalia, sirenia) from the early Middle eocene of Balochistan (Pakistan) /I.S.Zalmout a.o.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2003. — Vol.31, N 4 : New decapoda (crustacea) from the Middle and Late Eocene of Pakistan and revision of Lobonotus A.Milne Edwards, 1864 /C.E.Schweitzer a.o.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2004. — Vol.31, N 5 : Systematics and phylogeny of late Paleocene and early Eocene paleoryctinae (Mammalia, Insectivora) from the Clarks Fork and Bighorn Basins, Wyoming / I.J.Bloch a. o.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2005. — Vol.31, N 6 : Karkaemys arabicus, a new side-necked turtle (pleurodira, bothremydidae) from the Upper Cretaceous Wadi Umm Ghudran Formation of Karak, Jordan/I. S. Zalmout, H. A. Mustafa, J. A. Wilson.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2005. — Vol.31, N7 : An ibis-like bird (aves: cf. threskiornithidae) from the late middle Eocene of Myanmar/T. A. Stidham, P. A. Holroyd, G. F. Gunnell a.o.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2005. — Vol.31, N8 : Brain of Plesiadapis cookei (mammalia, proprimates): surface morphology and encephalization compared to those of primates and dermoptera /P. D. Gingerich, G. F. Gunnell.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2005. — Vol.31, N9 : Makaracetus bidens, a new protocetid archaeocete (mammalia, cetacea) from the early middle Eocene of Balochistan (Pakistan) /P. D. Gingerich, I. S. Zalmout, Munir Ul-Haq a.o.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2006. — Vol.31, N 10 : Multituberculates (mammalia, allotheria) from the earliest Tiffanian (late Paleocene) Douglass Quarry, Eastern Crazy Mountains Basin, Montana /C.S. Scott, D.W. Krause.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2006. — Vol.31, N 11 : Paleocene-Eocene land mammals from three new latest Clarkforkian and earliest Wasatchian wash sites at polecat bench in the northern Bighorn Basis, Wyoming/Ph. Gingerich, T. Smith.
- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2007. — Vol.31, N 12 : Late Miocene Pickett Creek flora of Owyhee county, Idaho /W.K. Buechler, M.T. Dunn, W.C. Rember.
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- Contributions from the Museum of paleontology [Текст]. — Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan, 2007. — Vol.31, N 14 : A new adapoid primate from the early Eocene of India /K.D. Rose, R.S. Rana, Ashok Sahni a.o.
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