Регіональна геологія
- Petrologia semenicului de nord-est [Текст] / T. Gridan. — Bucuresti, 1981. — 194с.
- Physical geology [Текст] / Charles Plummer, David McGeary. — 6th ed. — Dubuque a.o. : WCB:Wm.C.Brown publishers, 1993. — XIY,537p.
- Plate Nectonics and Crustal Evolution [Текст] / K.C. Condie. — New York ; Toronto ; Oxford ; Sydney ; Braunschweig ; Paris : Pergamon, 1976. — IX, 288 p. : ill.
- Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution [Текст] / K.C. Condie. — New York ; Toronto ; Oxford ; Sydney ; Braunschweig ; Paris : Pergamon Press, 1976. — IX, 288 p.
- Przemiany krajobrazu naturalnego Polski [Текст] // Acta geographica Lodziensia. N 74 / Lodzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe - Lodz , 1998. — S.1-236 : il.
- Przewodnik do cwiczen z geologii i geomorfologii dla studentow ochrony srodowiska [Текст] / Ped. nauk. M.Karasimiuk. — Lublin : UMCS, 2001. — 112s. : Il.
- Przewodnik geoturystyczny po szlaku geo-Karpaty. Krosno - Boryslaw - Jaremcze [Текст] = Геотуристичний путівник по шляху гео-Карпати. Кросно - Борислав - Яремче / [Bubniak I. et al.] ; pr. zbiorowa pod red. I.M. Bubniaka i A.T. Soleckiego. — Krosno : Ruthenus, 2013. — 142, [1] s. : il. + 1 mapa szlaku geo-Karpaty.
- Seventh conference on clay mineralogy and petrology in Karlovy Vary. September 28 - october 3. 1976. Geologica [Текст] / J. Konta. — Praha, 1977. — 497с.
- Stratigrafia jurasicului din vestul Dobrogei centrale [Текст] / Aurelia Barbulescu. — Bucuresti, 1974. — 173с.
- Tectonics of the Carpathian-Balkan regions [Текст] : explanations to the tectonic map of the Carpatian-Balkan regions and their foreland / ed. Michal Mahel ; rev. M. Malkovsky, Z. Roth ; transl. by H. Zarubova ; Geological in-t of Dionyz Stur. — Bratislava : Geologicky ustav Dionyza Stura, 1974. — 456 p. : ill.
- Tectonics of the Carpathian Balkan regions. Explanations to the tectonic map of the Carpathian-Balkan regions and their foreland [Текст] / M. Mahel. — Bratislava, 1974. — 453с.
- The Central Asian orogenic belt [Текст] : geology, evolution, tectonics, and models / ed. by Alfred Kroner. — Stuttgart : Borntraeger Science Publishers, 2015. — 313, [2] p. : ill., tab.
- The making of a continent [Текст] / Text and photographs by R.Redfern; Color illustrations by Gary Hinks; American geological institute. — New York; Toronto, 1986. — 9,240p. : Ill.,photo.
- The Ransko gabbro-peridotite massif and its mineralization (Czechoslovakia) [Текст] / Z. Misar. — Praha, 1974. — 215с.
- The restless Earth [Текст] : A report on the new geology / Nigel Calder. — New York : The Viking, 1973. — 152p.
- The third Baltic stratigraphical conference [Текст] : abstracts, field guide. — Tartu, 1996. — 156 p.
- Volcanic landforms and surface features [Текст] : a photographic Altas and Glossary / ed. by J. Green, N. M. Short. — Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 1971. — 519 S.
- Zacamintele de ape hipertetermale din nord-vestul Romaniei [Текст] / Augustin Tenu. — Bucuresti, 1981. — 192с.
- Zaklady drobne tektoniky a petrotektoniky [Текст] / Jindrich Stelcl. — Brno, 1980. — 341с.
- Zrodla Polski [Текст] : wybrane problemy krenologiczne / Wydzial nauk geograficznych Uniw. Lodzkiego; pod red. Pawla Jokiela, Piotra Moniewskiego, Macieja Ziulkiewicza. — Lodz, 2007. — 352 s. : іl.