Фонд МВФ
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/337 : Kenya: selected issues.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/338 : Kenya: ex post assessment of longer-term program engagement.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/339 : Kenya: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/33 : Guinea: 2007 article 4 consultation and staff report for the 2007 article 4 consultation and requests for three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility and for additional interim...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/340 : Lao People"s Democratic Republic: statistical appendix.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/341 : Lao People"s Democratic Republic: second poverty reduction strategy paper.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/342 : Lao People"s Democratic Republic: poverty reduction strategy paper - annual progress report.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/343 : Lao People"s Democratic Republic: joint staff advisory note on the second poverty reduction strategy paper and annual progress report.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/344 : Ghana: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/345 : Tunisia: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/346 : Togo: first review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/347 : South Africa: selected issues.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/348 : South Africa: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/349 : South Africa: financial system stability assessment...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/34 : Republic of Uzbekistan: poverty reduction strategy paper.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/350 : Lao People"s Democratic Republic: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/351 : Grenada: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/352 : Grenada: statistical appendix.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/353 : Kenya, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania: selected issues.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/354 : Grenada: poverty reduction strategy paper - preparation status report.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/355 : Kingdom of Swaziland: selected issues and statistical appendix.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/356 : The Kingdom of Swaziland: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/357 : Grenada: first review under the poverty reduction and growth facility arrangement, request for waiver...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/358 : Solomon Islands: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/359 : Solomon Islands, tax summary and statistical appendix.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/35 : Republic of Uzbekistan: poverty reduction strategy paper - joint staff advisory note.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/360 : People"s Republic of China - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: report on the observance of standards and codes...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/361 : Hungary: request for stand-by arrangement - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/362 : Iceland: request for stand-by arrangement - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/363 : Lebanon: use of fund resources - request for emergency post-conflict assistance - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/364 : Pakistan: request for stand-by arrangement - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/365 : Seychelles: 2008 article 4 consultation and reguest for a stand-by arrangement - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/366 : Seychelles: selected issues.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/367 : Iceland: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/368 : Iceland: financial system stability assessment - update.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/369 : People"s Republic of China - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: 2008 article 4 consultation discussions - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/36 : Trinidad and Tobago: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement; public information notice on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Trinidad and Tobago.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/370 : Togo: enhanced initiative for heavity indebted poor countries - decision point document.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/371 : Republic of Tajikistan: financial system stability assessment...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/372 : Canada: report on the observance of standards and codes...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/373 : Mauritius: financial system stability assessment - update.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/374 : Benin: fifth review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/375 : Republic of Armenia: selected issues.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/376 : Republic of Armenia: second poverty reduction strategy paper.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2008. — 08/377 : Republic of Armenia, joint staff advisory note on the second poverty reduction strategy paper.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/378 : Mali - first review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/379 : Denmark: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report...
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/37 : Cape Verde: third review under the policy support instrument - staff report; staff supplement; press release on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Cape Verde.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/380 : Denmark: selected issues.
- IMF country report [Текст]. — Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. — 08/381 : Kyrgyz Republic: request for an 18-month arrangement under the exogenous shocks facility - staff report...