Охорона здоров'я. Медичні науки
- Les operation cesariennes a la clinique de gynecologie et d'obstetrique de l'universite de Geneve de 1942 a 1949 [Текст] / R. Kaelin. — 1950. — 55p.
- Les Vagotomies [Текст] / O. Alexiu, B. Furtunesku, E. Pacescu. — Paris : Masson & Cie, 1970. — 230p.
- Le temps du bruit [Текст] / Ariel Alexander. — Paris : Flammarion, 1973. — 231с.
- Le Traitement de la Meningite a Bacilles de Pfeiffer [Текст] / D.M. Costabile. — Geneve : Imprimerie de Saint-Gervais S.A., 1951. — 36p.
- Let`s Eat Right to Keep Fit [Текст] / Adelle Davis. — New York : Harcourt, Brace&World, 1954. — 322с.
- Lexicon Medicum: Anglicum-Russicum-Gallicum-Germanicum-Latinum-Polonum [Текст] / B.Zlotnicki. — Warszawa : Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1971. — 1603s.
- Lexikon Allergologicum [Текст] = Allergologie Worterbuch / K.Wilken-Jensen. — Leipzig : Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1965. — 119p.
- Lichtkoagulation und Auge [Текст] : Bericht uber die 2. Tagung der Thuringischen Augenarztlichen Gesellschaft im Oktober 1973 in Gera. — Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, 1974. — 167p.
- Lobul temporal [Текст] / O.Sager. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1970. — 405s.
- Los secretos de vuestro estado de animo [Текст] / V. Ivanchenko. — Moscu : Mir, 1990. — 404p.
- L''utilisation de l''acide mevalonique et de ses derives par des fractions cellulaires de foie de rat et de glande surrenale de boeuf [Текст] / L. Gosselin. — Bruxelles : Editions Arscia S.A., 1966. — 176p.
- L''Utilisation du Thiocyanate de Cobalt pour le Dosare des Medicaments Basiques Organiques [Текст] / J. Bosly. — LeipziLiege, 1968. — 194p.
- Maladies internes et soins aux malades [Текст] / V. Kristman. — Moscou : Editions de la Paix. — 403p.
- Mala encyklopedia medycyny PWN [Текст] / Pod redakcja P. Kostrzewskiego, J.Ziolkowskiego. — Warszawa : Wyd-wo naukowe PWN, 1999. — 1050s. : il.
- Malaria [Текст] / K.M. Loban, E.S. Polozok. — Moscow : Mir, 1989. — 260с.
- Maldescensus Testis [Текст] : V. Symposion der Sektion Kinderchirurgie der Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie der DDR. — Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, 1977. — 195p.
- Maly atlas liecivych rastlin [Текст] / L.Thurzova. — 6-e. — Bratislava : Osveta, 1975. — 446s.
- Man modified [Текст] : an exploration of the man/machine relationship / D. Fishlock. — London : Cape, 1969. — 215 p. : ill.
- Mann und Frau intim: Fragen des gesunden und des gestorten Geschlechtslebens [Текст] / S. Schnabl. — 7-e. — Berlin : Volk und Gesundheit, 1974. — 336p.
- Manual de fiziologia omului [Текст]. — Bucuresti : Editura de Stat, 1950. — 285s.
- Manual pentru educarea copiilor in crese si in casele copilui [Текст] / M.D.Covrighina. — Bucuresti : Editura de Stat Literatura Medicala, 1950. — 307s.
- Materialy II Zjazdu Naukowego Lekarzy Ziemi Bialostockiej [Текст]. — Bialystok, 1970. — 328s.
- Materialy X Zjazdu Sekcji stomatologii Zachowawczej Polskiego towarzystwa stomatologicznego [Текст]. — Bialystok : Polfa, 1971. — 361s.
- Mecanisme fundamentale in insuficienta cardiaca [Текст] / I. Popescu, M. Ghita. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1972. — 197s.
- Medical chemistry: theory and laboratory exercises for the first module [Текст] = Медична хімія: теорія та лабораторні роботи до першого модуля / [Єльцов С.В. та ін.] ; Ministry oe education a. science of Ukraine, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv nat. univ. — Kharkiv : Видавництво ХНУ ім. В.Н. Каразіна, 2013. — 40 p. : ill., tab.
- Medical Radioisotope Scanning [Текст] : Proceedings of a seminar jointly organized by The International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization Vienna, 25-27 Febriary, 1959. — Vienna, 1959. — 266p.
- Medical Radioisotope Scanning [Текст] = Proceedings of the Symposium on Medical Radioisotope Scanning held by the IAEA in Athens, 20-24 April 1964 : In two volumes. — Vienna : International Atimic Energy Agency, 1964. — 471p.
- Medical Radioisotope Scanning [Текст] = Proceedings of the Symposium on Medical Radioisotope Scanning held by the IAEA in Athens, 20-24 April 1964 : In two volumes. — Vienna : International Atimic Energy Agency, 1964. — 561p.
- Medical technologies for the 21st Century. Cataloque of project suggestions [Текст] : October 15-16, 2001, Kyiv, Ukraine / Evrika Partnering Days in Ukraine; Edit. P.S.Smertenko. — Київ : Науковий світ, 2001. — 47p.
- Medicine today [Текст] / Introd. and exercises by D. Shaw. — Harlow : Longman, 1997. — 144 p. : il.
- Medicos y medicina en Cuba: Historia, Biografia, Costumbrismo [Текст] / de Roig. — Habana : Academia de ciencias de Cuba, 1965. — 269p.
- Mediul ambiant natural si reactivitatea vegetativa: Hipertermia exogena. Hipoxia hipobarica/ Gravitatia [Текст] / P.Groza. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1978. — 230s.
- Mediul Social ca Factor Patologic [Текст] = Cu un studiu introductiv si adnotari de Samuil Izsak / S. Stinca. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1956. — 207s.
- Medizinisches Fachworterbuch Russich-Deutsch [Текст] / G. Alexander, E. Merian. — Leipzig : Yeb Georg Thieme, 1963. — 293c.
- Men and the HIV epidemic [Текст] : Gender and the HIV epidemic / HIV and Development programme, United Nations Development programme. — New York : UNDP HIV and Development programme, 1999. — [5],25,[3]p.
- Men`s health [Текст]. — Emmaus : Rodale, 1998. — Vol.13 N 6.
- Merriam-Webster''s mediacal audio dictionary [Текст] : Today"s health-care language: 57,000 entries from AIDS to Z-DNA: Includes audio pronunciations. — Springfield : Merriam-Webster, 1997. — 1CD-ROM.
- Metode Bioradiotelemetrice in Medicina [Текст] / Gr. Benetato, R. Vransianu, V. Ionescu. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1971. — 168c.
- Metronidazole [Текст] : Proceedings of the International Metronidazole Conference Montreal, Quebec, Canada May 26-28, 1976 / S.M.Finegold. — Amsterdam : Excerpta Medica, 1977. — 436p.
- Mezczyzna po czterdziestce [Текст] / 6-te. — Warszawa : Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1972. — 168s.
- Mezczyzna po czterdziestce [Текст] / 7-me. — Warszawa : Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1975. — 168s.
- Micetoamele in Romania [Текст] / A. Avram. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1969. — 212c.
- Microbiology [Текст] : Dynamics and diversity / Jerome Perry, James Staley. — Forth Worth, Philadelphia a.o. : Sauders college, 1997. — XXXI,[1],911p.,48 с. : il.
- Microinvasive Cancer of the Uterine Cervix [Текст]. — Praha : Universita Karlova, 1988. — 160s.
- Miert alszik es Miert almodik az ember? [Текст]. — Bucarest, 1950. — 30s.
- Mikotoksyny w zarysie [Текст] / Julian Kluczek, Adam Kojder. — Bydgoszcz : Wyd-wo uczelniane Akademii techn.-roln., 2000. — 208s.
- Mikrobiologisches Vademekum [Текст] / M. SproBig, G. Anger. — Jena : Veb Gustav Fischer, 1972. — 439p.
- Minderwuchs. Diagnostik und Therapie [Текст] : Arbeitstagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ''Padiatrische endokrinologie" der Gesellschaft fur Padiatrie der DDR im Marz 1977. — Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, 1978. — 139p.
- Moartea Subita [Текст] : Studiu morfo-fiziopatologic si medico-judiciar / Gh. Diaconita. — Bucuresti : Academiei RPR, 1957. — 273s.
- Modele experimentale chirurgicale ale glandelor endocrine [Текст] / N. Simionescu, M. Scherzer. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1969. — 314s.