- An introduction to the world"s oceans [Текст] / Keith A. Sverdrup, Alyn C. Duxbury, Alison B. Duxbury. — 7th ed. — Boston a.o. : McGraw-Hill, 2003. — 16,521 p. : ill.
- Decouvrir l"Ocean [Текст] / I. Douel. — Moscou : Mir, 1977. — 261p.
- Fundamentals of acoustical oceanography [Текст] / Herman Medwin, Clarence S. Clay. — Boston a.o. : Academic press, 1998. — 20, 712 p. : ill.
- Fundamentals of oceanography [Текст] / Alison B.Duxbury, Alyn C.Duxbury, Keith A. Sverdrup. — 4th ed. — Boston a.o. : McGraw-Hill, 2002. — 8,344 p. : ill.
- Marine organic chemistry [Текст] : Evolution, composition, interactions andchemistry of organic matter in seawater / Edit.by Duursma E.K., Dawson R. — Amsterdam : Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1981. — 521p.
- Mathematical modeling of dynamical processes in the sea-land area [Текст] = Математичне моделювання динамічних процесів у зоні море-суша / V.A. Ivanov, V.V. Fomin ; National academy of sciences of Ukraine ; Marine hydrophysical institute. — Kyiv : Akademperiodyka, 2010. — 286 p.
- Ocean and oceanography [Текст] / Science service - "s.l." : Nelson Doubleday. — ?, 1970. — 64 p.
- Symposium on investigations and Resourses of the Caribbean Sea and adjacent regions [Текст] = Papers on Physical and Chemical Oceanography, Marine Geology and Geophysics and Marine Biology : Preparatory to the CICAR Organized jontly by Unesco and FAO. Willemstad, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, 18-26 november 1968. — Paris : UNESCO, 1971. — 545p.
- Tajemnice podmorskiego swiata [Текст] / Piotr Oborski. — Warszawa, 1976. — 96с.
- Widma morskie [Текст] / Janusz Skarzynski. — Warszawa, 1977. — 160с.