Історія мистецтва
- Powszechna illustrowana historia sztuki [Текст] / przez A. Springera ; przekl. pol. Kazimierza Broniewskiego. — Warszawa : A. T. Jezierski, 1903. — S. 17-32 : tabl., il.
- Powszechna illustrowana historia sztuki [Текст] / przez A. Springera ; przekl. pol. Kazimierza Broniewskiego. — Warszawa : A. T. Jezierski, 1903. — S. 97-120 : tabl., il.
- Pozna tworczosc wielkich artystow [Текст] / Mieczyslaw Wallis. — [ Warszawa ] : PIN, 1975. — 226s. : il.
- Reise in den Klassizismus [Текст] / Hanns Bechstein. — Leipzig : Prisma, 1975. — 254S.
- Samtliche Werke [Текст] / Carl Friedrich von Rumohr; hrsg. von Enrica Yvonne Dilk. — [Факсім. вид.]. — Hildesheim u.a. : Olms-Weidmann, 2008. — 517 S.
- Samtliche Werke [Текст] / Carl Friedrich von Rumohr ; mit einer Einleitung hrsg. von Enrica Yvonne Dilk. — Hildesheim u. a. : Olms-Weidmann, 2009. — 56, 237 S.
- Samtliche Werke [Текст] / Hrsg. von E.Y. Dilk. — [Факсім. вид.]. — Hildesheim u.a. : Olms-Weidmann, 2003. — VIII,421S.
- Samtliche Werke [Текст] / Hrsg. von E.Y. Dilk. — [Факсім. вид.]. — Hildesheim u.a. : Olms-Weidmann, 2003. — X,356,[12]S.
- Samtliche Werke [Текст] / Hrsg. von E.Y. Dilk. — [Факсім. вид.]. — Hildesheim u.a. : Olms-Weidmann, 2003. — XVI,242S.
- Sanat ansiklopedisi [Текст] / Yazan Celal Esad Arseven. — 4cu bas. — Istanbul, 1983. — s.593-1104 : ill.
- Sanat ansiklopedisi [Текст] / Yazan Celal Esad Arseven. — Istanbul, 1998. — 592s.
- Sanat ansiklopedisi [Текст] / Yazan Celal Esad Arseven. — Istanbul, 1998. — s.1105-1584 : ill.
- Sanat ansiklopedisi [Текст] / Yazan Celal Esad Arseven. — Istanbul, 1998. — s.1585-2061.
- Sanat ansiklopedisi [Текст] / Yazan Celal Esad Arseven. — Istanbul, 1998. — s.2068-2644.
- Slownik barokowej symboliki natury [Текст] / Jacek Sokolski // Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. N 2254: Slownik barokowej symboliki natury / J. Sokolski / Uniwersytet Wroclawski ; Uniwersytet Wroclawski - Wroclaw : Wyd-wo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego , 2000. — S.1-171 : il.
- Tessere d"arte Lucana [Текст] : meraviglie pittoriche e scultoree dal medioevo all"Ottocento / Gabriele Scarcia. — Potenza ; Matera : APT Bazilicata [etc.], 2015. — 119 p. : il.
- The art of Scandinavia [Текст] / Paul Hamlyn. — London-New York-Sydney-Toronto, 1970. — 457p.
- The festival of San Giovanni [Текст] : imagery and political power in Renaissance Florence / Heidi Chretien. — New York a.o. : Lang, 1994. — 172p. : ill.
- The Low Countries [Текст] : Arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands: A yearbook 1999-2000 / Chief ed.: J.Deleu. — Rekkem : Stichting Ons Erfdeel, 1999. — 319p. : il.
- The Low Countries [Текст] : Arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. — Rekkem : Stichting Ons Erfdeel, 2000. — 319p. : il.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : Arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. A Yearbook 1998-99. — Rekkem : Stichting Ons Erfdeel, 1998. — 319p. : il.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands : [a yearbook] / publ. by Flemish-Netherlands Assoc. ; [chief ed.: Luc Devoldere]. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2013. — ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands: [a yearbook] / publ. by Flemish-Netherlands Assoc. Ons Erfdeel vzw. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2011. — 315, [3] р. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands : [a yearbook] / publ. by Flemish-Netherlands Assoc. Ons Erfdeel vzw. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2012. — 315, [5] р. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands : [a yearbook] / publ. by the Flemish-Dutch cultural institution ; [chief ed.: Luc Devoldere]. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2015. — 315, [5] p. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands : [a yearbook] / publ. by the Flemish-Netherlands assoc. Ons Erfdeel ; [chief ed.: Luc Devoldere]. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2014. — 314, [5] p. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands: [a yearbook] / publ. by the Flemish-Netherlands assoc. Ons Erfdeel. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2008. — 317, [3] р. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands: [ a yearbook ] / published by the Flemish-Netherlands association ; [ed. L. Devoldere]. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2009. — 320 р. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : Arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands: A yearbook. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2007. — 319 р. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands: [ a yearbook ]. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2010. — 315, [ 3 ] р. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : Arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. A Yearbook. — Rekkem : Stichting Ons Erfdeel, 2002. — 319р. : il.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : Arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. A Yearbook. — Rekkem : Stichting Ons Erfdeel, 2003. — 319р. : il.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : Arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. A Yearbook. — Rekkem : Stichting Ons Erfdeel, 2004. — 319р. : il.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands / publ. by Flemish-Netherlands Assoc. Ons Erfdeel ; [chief ed.: Luc Devoldre]. — Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel, 2016. — 315, [5] p. : ill.
- The Low Countries (TLC) [Текст] : Arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. — Rekkem : Stichting Ons Erfdeel, 2001. — 319p. : Ill.
- Thuringische Kunstgeschichte [Текст] / Walter Thomae. — 5. Aufl. — Jena, 1956. — 152 S.
- Who''s who in American art 1999 - 2000 [Текст]. — 23rd ed. — New Providence : Marquis Who's Who, 1999. — IX,1536p.
- Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino [Текст]. — Ljubljana, 1999. — N 35.
- Z roza czerwona przes Parys [Текст] / Wojciech Natanson. — [ Krakow ] : Wyd-wo literackie, 1975. — 246s.