Охорона здоров'я. Медичні науки
- Ovarian Neoplasms. Morphology and Classification [Текст] / K. Motlik. — Praha : Universita Karlova, 1970. — 366s.
- O zdrowych i chorych [Текст] / Romuald Gutt. — Krakow, 1977. — 153с.
- Pacjenci [Текст] / Przelozyl M.Oziemblowski. — Krakow : Wydawnictwo literackie, 1995. — 434,[3]s.
- Pagini Alese [Текст] / V. Babes. — Bucuresti : Editura de Stat Pentru Literatura Stiintifica, 1954. — 279c.
- Pagini alese din opera lui Gh. Marinescu [Текст] / Gh. Marinescu. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1955. — 129s.
- Pagini gin trecutul medicinii [Текст] / I. Bercus. — Bucuresti : Editura medicala, 1970. — 229s.
- Pamietnik XIII zjazdu torakochirurgicznego z udzialem Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego [Текст] / S.Adamskij. — Bialystok : Polfa, 1969. — 537s.
- Paracelsus Samtliche Werke [Текст] / B. Aschner. — Jena : Verlag Von Gustav Fischer, 1976. — 910p.
- Parotidita epidemica (oreionul) [Текст] / M. Gruia. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1964. — 193s.
- Participation of Osteonecrosis in The Development of Severe Coxarthrosis [Текст] / A. Streda. — Praha : Universita Karlova, 1971. — 165s.
- Pathologic Physiology [Текст] / D. Alpern. — Moscow : Mir Publishers, 1967. — 512p.
- Patologie Neurochirurgicala Infantila [Текст] / C. Arseni, L. Horvath, A.V. Cuirea. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1980. — 878c.
- Pece o male dite [Текст] / M. Mecir. — Praha : Statni pedagogicke nakladatelstvi, 1971. — 188s.
- Penicillin [Текст] / Th. Elsasser. — Leipzig-Jena : Urania, 1955. — 100p.
- People's Medical Society Healthy Body Book: Test Yourself for Maximum Health [Текст] / Charles Inlander, Jim Punkre. — Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1991. — 239с.
- Peptides as Immunogens [Текст] / Edit. by H.Koprowski. — Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1986. — 85p.
- Personnel Dosimetry for Radiation Accidents [Текст] : Proceedings of a Symposium on Personnel Dosimetry///World Health Organisation in Vienna, 8-12 March 1965. — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1965. — 716p.
- Pflanzen helfen heilen [Текст] / S. Borngen. — Berlin : Veb Verlag und gesundheit, 1963. — 207p.
- Pharmacokinetic Basis for Drug Treatment [Текст] / Edit. by Benet L.Z. — New York : Raven Press, 1985. — 466p.
- Pharmacology of Benzodiazepines [Текст] : Proceeding of a Conference Held in the Masur Auditorium , National Institute of Health Bethesda, Maryland on April 12-14 1982 / E.Usdin. — Old Woking : The Gresham Press, 1982. — 670p.
- Pharmacology of Conditioning, Learning and Retention [Текст] / Edit. by M.Ya. Mikhel'son. — Praha : Czechoslovak Medical Press, 1965. — 365p.
- Pharmacology of Oriental Plants [Текст] / Edit. by K.K.Chen. — Praha : Czechoslovak Medical Press, 1965. — 106p.
- Pharmacology of Some Toxins [Текст] / H. Raskova. — Prague : Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1958. — 160s.
- Pharmakotherapie der Rheumatischen Erkrankungen [Текст] : 4. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur klinische Medizin der DDR mit internationaler Beteligung vom 11. bis 13. September 1974 in Weimar. — Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, 1976. — 205p.
- Physical and Photographic Principles of Medical Radiography [Текст] / E. Seemann. — New York-London-Sydney : John Wiley&Sons, 1968. — 132с.
- Planeacion fisica de los tratamientos en radioterapia [Текст] : Comision Nacional de Energia Nuclear / J.G. Halvas, J.C. Telich. — Mexico, 1964. — pp.101-116.
- Pneumopatiile cronice conditionare morfopatologie patogeneza [Текст] / A. Eskenasy. — Bucuresti : Academiei RPR, 1981. — 309s.
- Podstawy psychiatrii dzieciecej [Текст] / P. Barker. — Warszawa : Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1974. — 271c.
- Pokusne studie o mozkovem edemu [Текст] / E.Gutmann. — Praha : ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved, 1955. — 123s.
- Polimeri biocompatibili si biologic activi [Текст] / C. Simionescu, V. Gorduza. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1980. — 479с.
- Porphyria Cutanea Tarda: New Facts on Aetiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifastations and Treatment [Текст] / L.Malina, J.Chlumsky, A.Chlumska. — Praha : Universita Karlova, 1974. — 126s.
- Pour le bien de l'homme [Текст] / Z. Maiorova, L. Tcherkasskaia. — 1967. — 20p.
- Pozywienie, woda i sol stolowa w ochronie zdrowia spolecznego (wybrane zagadnienia) [Текст] / J. Aleksandrowicz, K. Janicki. — Krakow : Akademia Nauk, 1978. — 151c.
- Practical Aspects of Modern High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Proceedings, December 7-8, 1981, Berlin [Текст] / Molnar I. (ed.). — Berlin, New York : Walter de Gruyter, 1983. — 449с.
- Praxis und Theorie der Neuen Chinesischen Akupunktur [Текст] : Personliche Rrfahrungen eines drei-bzw. einsemestrigen offiziellen Akupunktur-Studiums an den Universitaten Peking bzw. Nanking / G. Konig, I. Wancura. — Wien-Munchen-Bern : Wilhelm Maudrich, 1979. — 402p.
- Praxis und Theorie der Neuen Chinesischen Akupunktur [Текст] : Personliche Rrfahrungen eines drei-bzw. einsemestrigen offiziellen Akupunktur-Studiums an den Universitaten Peking bzw. Nanking / G. Konig, I. Wancura. — Wien-Munchen-Bern : Wilhelm Maudrich, 1983. — 342p.
- Preparation des enseignants a l'education sanitaire [Текст]. — Geneva : Organisation mondiale de la sante, 1960. — 21p.
- Prepracovanost [Текст] / P. Sartinova. — Bratislava : Praca, 1970. — 150s.
- Presynaptic Receptors [Текст] = Presynaptic Receptors: Proceedings og the Satellite Symposium of the 7-th International Congress of Pharmacology, Paris, 22-23 July 1978 / Edit. by S.Z.Langer. — Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1979. — 392p.
- Prinos amintirii doctorului Aristotel Banciu [Текст] : 1886-1938. — Bucuresti : "Bucovina" I. E. Toroutiu, 1939. — 112 c., [16] арк. портр.
- Prispevek k psychologii, psychoterapii a prevenci schizofrenni psychozy [Текст] / E. Syristova. — Praha : Universita Karlova, 1973. — 163s.
- Probleme de chirurdie si de anatomie clinica [Текст] / I. Fagarasany. — Bucuresti : Edutura Acagemiei RSR, 1980. — 354s.
- Probleme de Farmakodinamie Nespecifica [Текст] / D. Danielopolu. — Bucuresti : Academiei RPR, 1954. — 278s.
- Problemy psychologiczne i psychopatologiczne w ciezkich uszkodzeniach narzadu ruchu [Текст] / H. HeflichPiatkowska, J. Walicka. — Warszawa : Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1975. — 177s.
- Problemy spoleczne i kliniczne pediatrii w wojewodztwie Bialostockim [Текст] = Materialy III Zjazdu Naukowego Lekarzy Ziemi Bialostockiej. — Bialostok, 1973. — 412s.
- Proceedings of the Ist International Symposium on Nuclear Medicine [Текст] = Pulmonary and Cardiac Function Bone Isotope Diagnosis : May 13-16, 1969. — Praha : Univerzita Karlova, 1970. — 217s.
- Proceedings of the IVth International Symposium on Nuclear Medicine [Текст] : May 20-23, 1975. — Praha : Univerzita Karlova, 1977. — 485s.
- Proceedings of the National science counsil, Republic of China [Текст]. — Taipei, 2001. — 2001.
- Proceedings of the Vth Scientific Meeting Madical Faculty o0f Hygiene 1969 [Текст] / H.Peskova. — Praha : Charles University Prague, 1971. — 281s.
- Professor I.P.Pavlov (In Honor of His Eightieth Birthday) [Текст] : Reprinted from The Spetial Issue of the Bulletin of the Buttle Creek Sanitarium and Hospital Clinic, Oct., 1929, Vol.24, pp.203-211 / J.H. Kellogg, W.N. Boldyreff. — Battle Creek, Michigan. — 27p.