Охорона здоров'я. Медичні науки
- Progress in Immunodeficiency Research and Therapy [Текст] / Edit. byD.C.Griscelli. — Amsterdam-New York-Oxford : Excerpta Medica, 1984. — 481p.
- Progress in Medical Virology [Текст] / Edit. by J.L.Melnick. — S.Karger, 1978. — 223p.
- Prostacyclin. Clinical Trials [Текст] / Edit. by R.J.Gryglewski. — New York : Raven Press, 1984. — 143p.
- Prostaglandins and Immunity [Текст] / Edit. by J.S.Goodwin. — Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, 1985. — 209p.
- Proteinemia. Date biochimice fizio-patologice si clinice [Текст] / S.Iagnov. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1955. — 270s.
- Przewodnik do oznaczania roslin leczniczych, trujacych i uzytkowych [Текст] / B. Broda, J. Mowszowicz. — 3. — Warszawa : Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1979. — 871s.
- Psihoneurologie [Текст] / C. Arseni, M. Golu, L. Danaila. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1983. — 508c.
- Psychiatry in American Life [Текст] / Edit. by C.Rolo. — A Delta Book, 1966. — 246p.
- Psychopharmocology of Alcohol [Текст] / Edit. by M.Sandler. — New York : Raven Press, 1980. — 280p.
- Psychophysiological Studies of Emotion and Mental Disorders [Текст] / SuwaN., I. Yamashita. — Sapporo, 1972. — 229p.
- Public Health and Social Security [Текст]. — Moscow.
- Public Health Problems in Mediterranean Countries [Текст] = Report on a Conference convened by the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization. Barcelona 9-16 December 1965. — Copengagen, 1966. — 70p.
- Purkyne: Zivot a dilo [Текст] / J. Evangelista. — Praha : Avicenum, 1986. — 368s.
- Radiatiile ionizante si viata [Текст] / N. Gheorghe, C. Vladesu, M. Apetroae. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1984. — 207с.
- Radiation and the Control of Immune Response [Текст] = Report of the panel on radiation and the control of immune response organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Paris, 22-24 June, 1967. — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1968. — 126p.
- Radioactive Isotope Therapy, with Patticular Reference to the Use of Radiocolloids [Текст] / J.H. Muller. — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1962. — 67p.
- Radiodiagnosticul Clinic in Limfologie [Текст] / H. Bujar, T. Roxin. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1980. — 126s.
- Radioisotope Sample Measurement Techniques in Medicine and Biology [Текст] = Proceedings of the Symposium...in Vienna, 24-28 May 1965. — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1965. — 721p.
- Radioisotopes in Tropical Medicine [Текст] = Proceeding of the Symposium on the use of radioisotopes... Bangkok, 12-16 December 1960. — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1962. — 379p.
- Radioisotope Teletherapy Equipment: International Directory [Текст]. — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1959. — 121p.
- Radiosterilization of Medical Products and Recommended Code of Practice [Текст] = Proceeding of the Symposium ... Budapest, 5-9 Desember 1966. — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1967. — 379p.
- Rady zdrowotne wroclawskiego lekarza dla krola polskiego [Текст] : wybor / Baltazar Ludwik Tralles ; z jez. lacinskiego przelozyl K. Orzechowski ; wyboru dokonal i wstep. poprzedzil I. Z. Siemion // Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. — Wroclaw : Wydaw. Uniw. Wroclawskiego, 2010. — N 3280 : Rady zdrowotne wroclawskiego lekarza dla krola polskiego : wybor / B. L. Tralles. — S. 1-185, [2].
- Rapport au Conceil economique et social sur l'activite du Comite en 1963 [Текст]. — New York : Nations Unies, 1963. — 62с.
- Raw-Eating [Текст] / Arshavir Aterhov. — Tehran, 1963. — 54с.
- Realizarile stiintifice medicale in R.P.R. [Текст] = Raport prezentat in sedinta de deschidere a Congresului National de Stiinte Medicale al Republicii Populare Romine / St.S. Nicolau. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1957. — 224s.
- Recent Advances in the Pharmacology of Toxins [Текст] / H.W.Raudonat. — Praha : Czechoslovak Medical Press, 1963. — 240s.
- Recherches sur la phosphorylation par l'anhydride phosphorique et les acides polyphosphoriques [Текст] / M Schwarz. — Amsterdam, 1950. — 19p.
- Recherches sur la structure et la fonction des couches externes du virus de la Foret de la Semliki; modifications de celles-ci par l'action de la caseinase C [Текст] / P.M. Osterrieth. — Liege : Imprimerie George Michiels, S.A., 1968. — 125p.
- Recherches sur les fonctions et proprietes respectives des glomerules et des tubes renaux chez le coq [Текст] / Y. Cuypers. — Liege, 1966. — 132p.
- Rectocolita Hemoragica [Текст] / FodorO., L. Stanescu, D. Dejica. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1979. — 183s.
- Reglarea umoralaa secretiei gastrice [Текст] / P. Groza. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1969. — 195s.
- Repair and Regeneration of the Nervous System: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Repair and Regeneration of the Nervous System, Berlin 1981, November 29 - December 4 [Текст] / J.G. Nicholls. — Berlin a.o. : Springer, 1982. — 410с.
- Report of the First Caribbean HIV and development workshop [Текст] : Barbados, 23-26 March 1999 / United Nations development programme, HIV and development programme, Bureau for development policy. — New York, 1999. — [8],41,[3]p.
- Reserven erschliessen - wie und wo? [Текст] / W. Rauchfuss, W. Halbritter, K. Fichtner u.a. — Berlin, 1975. — 220с.
- Ressi der fliegente Hund [Текст] / Jewgwni Weltistow. — Berlin : Kinderbuchverlag, 1975. — 192s. : il.
- Rest nd Recreation of Soviet People [Текст] / I. Kozlov. — Moscow : Novosti, 1965. — 78p.
- Reversing the epidemic [Текст] : Facts and policy options / HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and the commonwealth of independent states. — Bratislava : UNDP, 2004. — 8,116 p. : ill.
- Reviews on Immunoassay Technology [Текст] / S.B.Pal. — Surrey : Chapman&Hall, 1988. — 204с.
- Reviews on Immunoassay Technology [Текст] / S.B.Pal. — Surrey : Chapman&Hall, 1988. — 238с.
- Rezectiile Pylmonare. Baze anatomice si tehnici chirurgicale [Текст] / L. Bejan, E.G. Zitti. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1978. — 359c.
- Rlrctroimmunochemical Analysis of Membrane Proteins [Текст] / Ole J. Bjerrum. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1983. — 476s.
- Roczniki Akademii medycznej w Bialymstoku [Текст]. — Bialystok, 2000. — Vol.45.
- Roczniki Akademii medycznej w Bialymstoku [Текст]. — Bialystok, 2001. — Vol.46.
- Rolul sistemului nervos in patogenia pneumoconiozelor [Текст] / N.Gh. Lupu, C. Velican. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1953. — 150s.
- Rostliny v domaci lekarne [Текст] / E. Hoffmannova, Febavy. — Praha : Mlada Fronta, 1973. — 167s.
- Rothacker's Fuhrer durch die Gesamte Medizin [Текст] : Monatsberichte und Anzeigen uber medizinische Neuheiten. — Berlin : Oscar Rothacker Buchhandlung und Antiquariat fur Medizin, 1926. — 16 S.
- Rujeola. Etiopatogenie si profilaxie [Текст] / C. Cernescu, Y. Sorodos, N. Cajal. — Bucuresti : Academiei RPR, 1978. — 216s.
- Rzesistek pochwowy [Текст] / J. Plonski. — Warszawa : Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1962. — 127s.
- Sarbatorirea academicianului Prof. C.I.Parhon la implinirea varstei de 75 de ani. Sedinta solemna din 27 octomvrie 1949 [Текст]. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1950. — 25s.
- Sarbatorirea academicianului Vladimir Petrovici Filatov la implinirea varstei de 75 de ani. Sedinta solemna din 24martie 1950 [Текст]. — Bucuresti : Editura Academiei RSR, 1950. — 31s.