Світова економіка
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/109 : Estimating default frequencies and macrofinancial linkages in the mexican banking sector / Rodolphe Blavy, Marcos Souto.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/110 : Credit risk spreads in local and foreign currencies / Dan Galai, Zvi Wiener.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/111 : Spillovers to emerging equity markets: an econometric assessment / L. Effie Psalida, Tao Sun.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/112 : An alternative explanation for the resource curse: the income effect channel / Ali Alichi, Raban Arezki.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/113 : Financial deepening in the CFA Franc Zone: the role of institutions / Raju Jan Singh, Kangni Kpodar, Dhaneshwar Ghura.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/114 : Sub-Saharan Africa`s integration in the global financial markets / Corinne Delechat [et al.].
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/115 : The macroeconomics of Scaling Up Aid: the gleneagles initiative for Benin / Joannes Mongardini, Issouf Samake.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/116 : Out of the box thoughts about the international financial architecture / Barry Eichengreen.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/117 : Macroeconomic responses to terms-of-trade shocks: a framework for policy analysis for the argentine economy / Pelin Berkmen.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/118 : Development aid and economic growth: a positive long-run relation / Camelia Minoiu, Sanjay G. Reddy.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/119 : A multi-industry model of growth with financing constraints / Anna Illyina, Roberto Samaniego.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/120 : The federal reserve system balance sheet: what happened and why it matters / Peter Stella.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/70 : Financial stability frameworks and the role of Central banks: lessons from the crisis / Erlend Walter Nier.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/71 : ECCU business cycles: impact of the United States / Yan Sun, Wendell Samuel.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/72 : The missing link between financial constraints and productivity / Marialuz Moreno-Badia, Veerle Slootmaekers.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/73 : A coincident indicator of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) business cycle / Abdullah Al-Hassan.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/74 : Limited information bayesian model averaging for dynamic panels with short time periods / Huigang Chen, Alin Mirestean, Charalambos Tsangarides.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/75 : Grants, remittances and the equilibrium real exchange rate in Sub-Saharan african countries / Joannes Mongardini, Breff Rayner.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/76 : Simple, implementable fiscal policy rules / Michael Kumhof, Douglas Laxton.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/77 : Optimal reserves in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union / Mario Dehesa, Emilio Pineda, Wendell Samuel.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/78 : Assessing exchange rate competitiveness in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union / Emilio Pineda, Paul Cashin, Yan Sun.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/79 : Exposure to real estate losses: evidence from the U.S. Banks / Deniz Igan, Marcelo Pinheiro.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/80 : The crisis: basic mechanisms, and appropriate policies / Oivier Blanchard.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/81 : Exchange rate assessment for oil exporters / Klaus Enders.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/82 : Determinants of inflation in GCC / Magda Kandil, Hanan Morsy.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/83 : Hold your nose and vote: why do some democracies tolerate corruption? / Marco Pani.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/84 : Accrual budgeting and fiscal policy / Marc Robinson.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/85 : Adding Latin America to the global projection model / Jorge Canales Kriljenko [ et al. ].
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/86 : Why inflation targeting? / Charles Freedman, Douglas Laxton.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/87 : IT framework design parameters / Charles Freedman, Douglas Laxton.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/88 : Chile`s structural fiscal surplus rule: a model-based evaluation / Michael Kumhof, Douglas Laxton.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/89 : Global imbalances and petrodollars / Raban Arezki, Fuad Hasanov.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/90 : Inflation hedging for long-term investors / Alexander P. Attie, Shaun K. Roache.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/91 : Remittances: an automatic output stabilizer? / Ralph Chami, Dalia Hakura, Peter Montiel.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/92 : The size of government and U. S. - European differences in economic performance / Gerwin Bell, Norikazu Tawara.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/93 : Global relative poverty / Lynge Nielsen.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/94 : Inflation targeting under imperfect policy credibility / Ali Alichi [ et al. ].
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/95 : Ponzi schemes in the Caribbean / Ana Carvajal [ et al. ].
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/96 : The challenge of reforming budgetary institutions in developing countries / Richard Allen.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/97 : Why are japanese wages so sluggish? / Martin Sommer.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/98 : Understanding inflation inertia in Angola / Nir Klein, Alexander Kyei.
- IMF working paper [Текст]. — Washington : International monetary fund, 2009. — 09/99 : The impact of the regional cross-listing of stocks on firm value in Sub-Saharan Africa / Olatundun Janet Adelegan.
- International marketing management [Текст] / S.C. Jain. — Second Edition. — Boston : PWS-Kent Publishing Company, 1987. — 737 p.
- Internet marketing [Текст] : Readings and online resources / Paul Richardson. — Boston a.o. : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2001. — 12, [1], 350 p.
- Issues in economics today [Текст] / Robert C. Guell. — 2nd ed. — Boston a.o. : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005. — 19, 426 p. : ill.
- Journal of economic research [Текст] : [Semi-annually]. — Seoul, 1997. — Vol. 2, N 2.
- Journal of economic research [Текст] : [Semi-annually]. — Seoul, 1998. — Vol. 3, N 1.
- Kreowanie cen artykulow rolnych [Текст] / Przeklad D.Bogocz. — Warszawa : Wyd-wo naukowe PWN, 2001. — 347s.
- Kultur in Polen [Текст]. — Warszawa : Verlag Interpress. — (Економіка України : політико-економічний ж-л. — Київ : Преса України, 2001. — № 6).
- La production des espaces economiques [Текст] / Christian Vandermotten, Pierre Marissal avec la collaboration D"Anne Dubreucq et de Jean-Christophe Defraigne ; cartographie et dessin: A. Colard [et al.]. — Bruxelles : Editions de l"Universite de Bruxelles, 2003. — 295 p. : ill.