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- Road to the Stars: notes by soviet cosmonaut №1 [Текст] / Yuri Gagarin. — Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1961. — 200 с.
- Schriften zur Astronomie, Kartographie, Mathematik und Farbenlehre [Текст] / Mit einer Einleitung hrsg. von Erhard Anthes. — Hildesheim u.a. : Olms-Weidmann, 2004. — 492S.
- Schriften zur Astronomie, Kartographie, Mathematik und Farbenlehre [Текст] / Tobias Mayer; Hrsg. von E. Anthes, A. Huttermann, E. Knobloch, K. Reich. — Faks.-Ausg. — Hildesheim u.a. : Olms-Weidmann, 2006. — 412 S.
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- Seeing the Solar System [Текст] : Telescopic Projects,Activities,and Explorations in Ast-ronomy / Fred Schaaf; with illustrations by Doug Myers. — New York : Wiley, 1991. — XYIII, 207 p. : ill.
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- Spectrographic observations of the eclipsing binaries RZ Comae, V 502 Ophiuchi, RV Corvi, and BF Virginis [Текст] : Contributions from the McDonald observatory; Fort Davis; Texas; N.156 / Otto Struve, L. Gratton. — Texas : The university of Texas, 1948. — p.497-503.
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- Tables facilitating the least-squares solution of an eclipsing binary light-curve [Текст] : The Flower astronomical observatory; Reprint N. 70 / John Irwing. — Pennsylvania : The University of Pennsylvania. — p.380-426.
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- The foundations of physical cosmology and the principles of conservation and relativity [Текст] / de Nunes. — Rio de Janeiro : Sedegra, 1967. — 111 с.
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- The magnetic field of massive rotating bodies [Текст] : Reprint / P.M.S. Blackett. — Manchester, 1947. — 22p.
- The main astronomical observatory of the academy of sciences of the USSR at Pulkovo [Текст] / Y.I. Vitinsky. — [S. l.] : Nauka, 1981.
- The Milky Way at the junction of Gemini, Monoceros and Orion [Текст] / Bart Bok, Margaret Olmsted, Betty Boutelle. — Harvard, 1949. — 18 p.
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- The radiative equllibrium of a spherical planetary nebula [Текст] : Harvard reprint 329 / K. SenHari. — Harvard : v College observatory, 1949. — p.357-361.
- The spectrum of the eclipsing binary UX Monocerotis [Текст] : Contributions from the McDonald observatory; Fort Davis; Texas; N.138 / Otto Struve. — Texas : The university of Texas, 1947. — p.255-273.
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- VIII Ленинградский международный семинар. Материалы международного семинара "Активные процессы на Солнце и проблема солнечных нейтрино". Ленинград, 25-27 сентября 1976 г. [Текст]. — Л, 1976. — 227с.
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- Zur Geschichte der Erde und des Kosmos [Текст] / Acad.der Wissensch. der DDR. Verffentlichungendes Forschungsberoichs. Kosmische Physik; Hrsg. von H.J. Treder. — Berlin : Acad.der Wissensch., 1973. — S.