Зведений каталог бібліотек Києва
Класифікатори та каталоги
Путін Володимир Володимирович (н. 1952), Путин Владимир Владимирович
Polish foreign policy in the official documents: "Address by the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the goals of Polish foreign policy in 2014" versus "Polish foreign policy priorities 2012 - 2016" - comparasion [Текст] / P. Pochyly // Between Western and Eastern Europe : political studies: past and the present / eds. Stefan Dudra a. Piotr Pochyly. — Chicago : , 2015. — P. 67-76.
Putin und das neue Russland [Текст] / Viktor Timtschenko. — Munchen : Diederichs, 2003. — 352 S.
Rosyjskie myslenie polityczne za czasow prezydenta Putina [Текст] / Roman Backer. — Torun : Adam Marszalek, 2007. — 332 s.
Russia again voted for Putin - The main lessons of the Russian transition [Текст] / V. Rukavishnikov // Central European political science review (CEPSR) : quarterly of Central European political science alliance. — Budapest : CEPSA, 2012. — Vol. 13, Nr 48, Fall : International case studies about the future. — P. 9-41.
Russia: The Second Putin Administration"s Stance towad China and Focus on Asia [Текст] // East Asian strategic review. — Tokyo : The Japan Times, 2013. — 2013. — С. 241-297.
Sed Putinovy historicke politiky [Текст] / k. Svoboda // Acta Universitatis Carolinae. — Praha : Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2013. — 2013. — P. 49-68.
Who is Mr. PUTIN-III? [Текст] / М. Касьянов // День : щоденна українська газета. — С. 3.
Zahranicni a bezpecnostni politika Vladimira Putina v letech 2000 - 2008 na posadi bezpecnostni kultury Ruske federace [Текст] / Lucas Tichy // Acta Universitatis Carolinae. — Praha : Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2013. — 2013. — P. 69-108.