Репозитарій Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва та архітектури

Властивості опорядження транзитних просторів споруд з урахуванням потреб незрячих відвідувачів

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Комаров, Кирило Олександрович
dc.contributor.author Komarov, Kyrylo
dc.date.accessioned 2022-07-01T12:07:16Z
dc.date.available 2022-07-01T12:07:16Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Комаров К. Властивості опорядження транзитних просторів споруд з урахуванням потреб незрячих відвідувачів / Кирило Комаров // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. - 2018. - Вип. 27. - С. 11-16. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті визначено перелік властивостей опоряджувальних матеріалів, забезпечення контрасту яких створює потенціал для підвищення ефективності орієнтування осіб з вадами зору у транзитних просторах будівель. The article defines a list of properties of finishing materials, contrast of which creates the potential for improving the effectiveness of visually impaired visitors’ orientation in buildings’ transit spaces. The expediency of accentuating important elements with materials contrasting in texture, thermal conductivity, degree of sound absorption, size, shape of the module and aroma in relation to the main surfaces is established. The contrast of the surface finish of basic planes and their fragments can be used rationally to form tactile symbols, to accentuate important functional zones, and to warn of approaching a dangerous element. Materials contrasting by the thermal conductivity relatively to the main covering plane can be applied in the finishing of the guide planes to accentuate them at the level of thermal sensations. The use of natural wooden railing against the background of glass and metal enclosure could serve an example of such a solution. The use of facing materials, contrasting in terms of sound absorption, the magnitude and geometric form of modules, provides variations in the frequency, height and tone quality of the sound created by visitor’s steps and cane. Such a feature can be used to simplify the non-visual identification of key fragments of transit space. Physical properties of facing materials influence the time of reverberation of sound in the premises, which is primarily determined by the size and geometric form of the interior space. This determines the importance of the right choice of finishing materials, taking into account their acoustic properties. The decrease in reverberation, which is associated with a decrease in the size of the room, is achieved with ridget or jagged covering panels, which have a high degree of absorption, and the increase, on the contrary – with flat glossy tiles. In practice of construction of specialized buildings for the Blind the flooring materials are advised to be selected in such a way as to create simultaneous tactile and acoustic contrast. Foer example a combination of a wooden floor with a ceramic tile is contrasting on the surface finish, height and tone quality of the created sound. It has been established that the scent of finishing materials is rarely used by architects as a mean of marking element in the space, while facing materials determine the presence of a special odor in the room and it’s concentration. Consideration of this feature in design of transit spaces creates additional potential for improving the orientation of the visually impaired persons en_US
dc.subject опоряджувальні матеріали en_US
dc.subject контраст en_US
dc.subject фактура en_US
dc.subject теплопровідність en_US
dc.subject звукопоглинання en_US
dc.subject аромат en_US
dc.subject finishing materials en_US
dc.subject contrast en_US
dc.subject surface finish en_US
dc.subject thermal conductivity en_US
dc.subject sound absorption en_US
dc.subject aroma en_US
dc.title Властивості опорядження транзитних просторів споруд з урахуванням потреб незрячих відвідувачів en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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