Висвітлено результати дослідження формування внутрішнього середовища закладів громадського обслуговування соціальної сфери. Визначені основні етапи архітектурно-художньої організації
внутрішнього середовища, вплив засобів інженерно-технічного дизайну та монументально-декоративного мистецтва на об’ємно-просторову структуру будівлі в умовах сучасного будівництва. На основі аналізу внутрішнього предметно-просторового середовища розглянуто класифікацію предметного наповнення.
It has been provided the results of the research on the formation of the internal environment of public service facilities of the social sphere, which include preschool institutions and institutions, educational and medical and preventive establishments, as well as enterprises of commercial and household purposes, which are close to residential development. We create the internal environment of public service facilities in order to provide the rational implementation of functional and technological processes, it also can effectively influence on the level of children and yougth education, its optimal functional and architectural and artistic organization will significantly improve the level of comfort for visitors, improve the aesthetic organization of internal the environment. On the basis of conducted scientific researches and numerous practical developments, the main stages of the architectural and artistic formation of the internal environment of public service institutions were revealed, proposals were made regarding the design of these objects. The first stage is a pre-project analysis of the design of an object for the
definition of basic urban and space-spatial solutions, namely, the development of previous conceptual architectural proposals. The second stage of the integrated solution of the internal environment is the design idea of the future
project, it contains the fundamental engineering, technical, spatial, functional and other solutions. The third stage reflects the aesthetic organization of the internal environment, which involves the use of monumental decorative
art and influences the level of comfort of the premises. It is approved that only in the complex formation of the internal environment, the synthesis of architecture, design and art will make it possible to create a harmonious
individual interior space and a comfortable environment for visitors.