Короткий опис(реферат):
В статті розглянуто період становлення готельного господарства Києва. На основі комплексного аналізу виокремлені готелі підвищеного комфорту ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. та вибудовано структуру їхнього визначення. Підсумком дослідження є зведений загальний список київських готелів підвищеного комфорту зазначеного історичного періоду.
Hotels of high comfort in the nineteenth century. formed a separate class among the entrepreneurs of the hotel business in Kiev and served the most prosperous strata of the population and foreign tourists. The conducted research revealed a lot of contradictions and inaccurate information in available sources, therefore, it prompted the creation of a more advanced algorithm for determining the comfort level of Kyiv hotels, taking into account as many components as possible. The analysis included not only the information from the literature published before 1917, but also the natural survey of preserved buildings, the study of the existing stock of archival materials, and also take into account the specific architectural and planning features that are characteristic for institutions of the appropriate level of comfort. The structure of the definition of Kyiv hotels of high comfort was formed from the following components: the analysis of available sources of information, the analysis of administrative and regulatory requirements and architectural and planning indicators. Due to the classification analysis, the object of study
hotels of high comfort, as a separate class of enterprises of the hotel business of the city was clearly defined. The presented classification differentiations helped to find additional signs that allowed to distinguish this class of hotels from other establishments more qualitatively and prove that Kyiv hotels of high comfort on many of its indicators inferior not only to similar Western European hotels, but even to some Kharkiv and Odessa hotels.
Hotels were organized according to the four categories of comfort, which for the sake of ease of perception were identified by the modern international system, as well as hotels were determined that compensated their disadvantages in servicing and general comfort by other structural components.