Репозиторий Национальной академии изобразительного искусства и архитектуры

Начерк у навчальній програмі з рисунка НАОМА: методичні й технічні особливості

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dc.contributor.author Журавльова, Наталія Анатоліївна
dc.contributor.author Zhuravlova, Nataliia
dc.date.accessioned 2022-07-08T07:09:35Z
dc.date.available 2022-07-08T07:09:35Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Журавльова Н. Начерк у навчальній програмі з рисунка НАОМА: методичні й технічні особливості / Наталія Журавльова // Українська академія мистецтва: дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. - Київ, 2018. - Вип. 27. - С. 105-110. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті обґрунтовано методичні засади викладання короткочасного рисунка, взаємозв’язок навчального і творчого аспектів, відмінності, переваги довготривалого рисунка і начерку. Розглянуто питання обов’язкового внесення змін і вдосконалення завдань для освітньої програми «Спецрисунок» на кафедрі рисунка НАОМА. Сформульовані вимоги до завдань з короткочасного рисунка. The article reveals the methodical principles of teaching the short-term drawing, the relationship between educational and creative aspects, the differences between, and the advantages of a long-term drawing and a sketch, and also substantiates reasons of its compulsory introduction to the program at the Department of Drawing of the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture. It elucidates the problem of requirements and implementation of short-term drawing in the context of development students’ ability to use graphic expressiveness and plastic characteristics of a drawing. Finally, it formulates the requirements to tasks for short-term drawings. The sketch is the most individual way of artistic thinking and includes an analysis of creative and psychological selection. Such qualities of a short-term drawing as freshness of the form, instant expression of a complex set of thoughts with the help of a concise graphical language, requires for its perception a certain professional approach, conscious, solid, error-free decision making process and has a right to exist along with independent exhibition works. Sketches help develop creative abilities, with the help of minimal concise tools: lines, tonal spots, strokes. In the short-term drawing there is a constant search for their own technical methods, style, system, content, themes, it is both creative and educational at the same time. A coherent and distinct vision, the distribution of masses and spots, compositions of light and shadow, the solution of spatial composition remain important tasks of a sketch. That is, due to a sketch, a student forms their views on the choice of composition, foreshortening, identifies material and actual conception of an image. Similarly, the perception of a bulk form is experimentally proved that it can only be perceived by changing different sides. Getting a complete picture of an image from one point of view is impossible, that is, without sketches. In the process of working on drawings, one not only adjusts a figurative plan, but often changes all the conception of the artistic image. Therefore, all indications in a long-term drawing without sketches will be ineffective, if there is no figurative idea, and a short-term drawing should be entered into the educational process. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject короткочасний рисунок en_US
dc.subject спецрисунок en_US
dc.subject начерк en_US
dc.subject рисунок en_US
dc.subject засоби художнього вираження en_US
dc.subject графічні прийоми en_US
dc.subject художній образ en_US
dc.subject short-term drawing en_US
dc.subject sketch en_US
dc.subject drawing en_US
dc.subject means of artistic expression en_US
dc.subject graphic techniques en_US
dc.subject artistic image en_US
dc.title Начерк у навчальній програмі з рисунка НАОМА: методичні й технічні особливості en_US
dc.title.alternative Sketch in the educational program for the draving of the National academiy of visual arts and architecture: methodical specifics en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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