Repository of National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Школа колористичного живопису Григорія Синиці

Show simple item record Кукіль, Наталія Kukil, Natalia 2022-12-29T12:18:36Z 2022-12-29T12:18:36Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Кукіль Н. Школа колористичного живопису Григорія Синиці / Наталія Кукіль // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2018. Вип. 27. С. 117-124 en_US
dc.description.abstract Стаття присвячена вивченню внеску Г. Синиці в розробку теоретичних основ формування і розвитку сучасного українського мистецтва. Розглядається ґенеза термінів «колорит» та «колористичний живопис». Досліджуються принципи побудови художнього образу на основі колориту. Окреслені основні відмінні риси мистецького напрямку «українська національна колористична школа сучасного монументального живопису». Поданий аналіз творів митця, побудованих за принципами нового напрямку.. The article is devoted to the study of the creative contribution of Hrygori Synytsia, an honored artist of Ukraine, laureate of Taras Shevchenko state prize, to the development of theoretical basis of formation of modern Ukrainian national painting. Artist was concerned with the question of developmental ways of Ukrainian art. Having received art education at the M. Boychuk’s Studio of monumental painting, H. Synytsia saw the primary task in the development of this school’s traditions. He enriched the teaching of M. Boychuk with his own theory of color. The article explores the genesis of the term «color»; the characteristics of terms used by H. Synytsia «coloristic painting» and «tone painting» is given. The foundation of coloristic painting is a color, color as a basis of artistic image construction. A critical component of a coloristic painting founded by H. Synytsia is traditional Ukrainian art. The artist determines that only a color painting can embody the national characteristics of artistic thinking, to give impetus to the development of modern Ukrainian painting. H. Synytsia explains that shaped coloring does not exist in nature, it has certain laws of construction. A colour that embodies the artistic image is based on color relationships and interactions: the interpenetration of dark and light spots, warm and cool colors, and as a result it creates harmony. The artist finds the confirmation of his theory in philosophy, in its universal laws of nature. H. Synytsia sees the development of coloristic traditions of Ukrainian art in the works of folk artists. The main distinguishing features of the new direction, which was called ”the national Ukrainian coloristic school of modern national painting», were defined in the article. The analysis of the most significant works by H. Synytsia, in which the principles of artistic image were embodied, was given. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject колір en_US
dc.subject колорит en_US
dc.subject художній образ en_US
dc.subject колористичний живопис en_US
dc.subject філософія en_US
dc.subject українське народне мистецтво en_US
dc.subject українська національна колористична школа сучасного монументального живопису en_US
dc.subject color en_US
dc.subject artistic image en_US
dc.subject coloristic painting en_US
dc.subject philosophy en_US
dc.subject Ukrainian folk art en_US
dc.subject the national Ukrainian coloristic school of modern monumental painting en_US
dc.title Школа колористичного живопису Григорія Синиці en_US
dc.title.alternative Hrygorii Synytsia’s school of coloristic painting en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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