Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Попович, Катерина
dc.contributor.author Popovych, Kateryna
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-17T07:40:31Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-17T07:40:31Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Попович К. Літографська майстерня НАОМА: становлення та розвиток / Катерина Попович // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. - Київ, 2017. - Вип. 26. - С.28-38 en_US
dc.description.abstract Стаття присвячена історії виникнення та діяльності лі-тографської майстерні НАОМА. Розглянуто основні етапи розвитку техніки плоского друку в київському художньому закладі, виявлено імена викладачів і майстрів літографії та проаналізовано головні напрями роботи зі студентами в літографській техніці. The article is dedicated to the establishment and activity of the Academy’s Lithographic Department. The writer demonstrates basic stages of the development of planographic printing at the Academy, gives the teachers’ and masters’ names and shows the main directions of work with students in this technique. Kyiv’s school of graphics belongs to one of the basic development centres of Ukrainian artistic culture. The Academy laid the foundations of higher artistic education in Ukraine and raised a galaxy of artists and important artistic personalities. Ukraine’s National Academy for Fine Arts and Architecture was founded in 1917. In 1924, the Polygraphic Department was set up. It included studios of woodcut, etching, lithography and polygrapic techniques. The art of lithography of the Kyiv school of graphics has reached its high thanks to the pedagogic activities of I.M. Pleschynsky, V. G. Iung, V. I. Kasiian, S. P. Podereviansky, M. T. Popov, who mastered the technique of lithography and took part in numerous exhibitions, taught the following generations the secrets of mastery. Students, who had studied graphics, made high-level pieces of art as graduation works, which later entered the treasure trove of Ukrainian graphics.The art of the Kyiv School of lithography has overcome many obstacles. Adhering to the academic line, it was influenced by Formalism and Avantgarde, going through Socialist Realism up to Conceptual Art. Lithography has become a vehicle for the creation of visual images and the reflection of various processes in society. Docent Vandalovsky, who works according to the guidelines of academic education, teaches students all styles of graphics: pencil, India link, coloured lithography, and chalcography. Studies are based on life drawing, sketches done from memory and from the imagination in various genr es such as still lifes, por tr aits, landsc ape paintings and multifigur ed compositions. Interest in graphics is waning at the beginning of the 21stcentury, and students rarely take lithography as subject matters for their graduation works, as well as rarely displaying lithographic pieces at exhibitions and competitions. What lithography needs nowadays is a flesh look on its content and a better way to teach students, using the experience of European artistic pedagogical institutions. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject літографія en_US
dc.subject естамп en_US
dc.subject плоский друк en_US
dc.subject літографська майстерня en_US
dc.subject litography en_US
dc.subject block print en_US
dc.subject flat-bed litography en_US
dc.subject litography workshop en_US
dc.title Літографська майстерня НАОМА: становлення та розвиток en_US
dc.title.alternative Fundamental milestones of the development of Lithographic Department at Ukraine’s National Academy for Fine Arts and Architecture en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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