Короткий опис(реферат):
У статті висвітлено науково-методичну працю професора кафедри рисунка О. А. Кривоноса, проаналізовано його педагогічні методи та внесок у розвиток українського мистецтва другої половини ХХ – поч. ХХI ст.
In 1973, the Kyiv Art University (now NAFAA) led by Alexander M. Lopukhov. With the support of the rector and teachers, famous masters of their craft T. Yablonska, V. Shatalina, Y. Aseeva, S. Poderev’yansky, O. Kryvonos, Y. Bondarenko, A. Chebykin, was decided to create a drawing room. With the help of the students K. Yeleva – O.Lopukhovo, I. Tihomy, B. Pianidi was collected collections of K. Yeleva, then F. Krichevsky and others, as well as scientific statements and statements D. Kardovskoho, F. Chistyakov, statements and notes about the art of Degas, Renoir, Goethe and others. Also highlightes a number university’s premises for drawing class, premises for drawing funds and the department of drawing and anatomy. Thereby to this was done a very necessary and painstaking work of collecting originals, copies selection, timely collection of scientific observations and practical achievements and memories of artists of the time. According to O. Kryvonos, there was a «revolution» in the views of teachers on teaching
style, raising interest and authority draftsman, deep study of human anatomy
and proportions, that teachers have sought to build their technique at the
confluence of basic historical knowledge and practice drawing, not just
theoretical explanation. Requirements have been developed to improve and
hone terminology study plastic anatomy. In 1977, the leadership of the Drawing Department assumes O. Kryvonos.
The work, which was initiated by Professor L. Chichkan to create illustrations
methodical fund of the drawing, which was also systematically continued by
Professor O. Kryvonos. Methodical funds from the picture were ordered and
replenished with new samples. The sample cabinet was created according
to the drawing and a rational way of organizing educational exhibitions was
disseminated of the best student works and creative works of the teachers
of the department. To improve the educational process, expansion of the teaching methods of
drawing O. Kryvonos actively contributed to the spread a method of analytical
and constructive image. The guiding principle of which was to study proportional
measures of the human body – hands, nose, eyes, head, phalanxes of hands,
torso. Misunderstanding of these proportions leads to big mistakes in the
drawing. O. Kryvonos tried to change the thinking of students and its relationship
to the drawing: not copying nature «what you see» and consciously analyze it
based on the understanding of the anatomical structure of nature, its design
features proportional relationship. Thus implemented systematic and in-depth
study plastic anatomy. It was a new word improvement of teaching development
of common training plans, the method for analytical and constructive image.
At the present stage of development of teaching methods of drawing
O. Kryvonos considers absents of a permanent exhibition methodological
drawing as a huge problem. An exhibition on which theme would have been
presented in qualitative and quantitative amount of work that the student must
perform during their training required and on the free theme. Also experienced
master emphasizes the need to restore the principles of proper methodological
Exhibition Fund as the overall direction of the entire Academy.