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dc.contributor.author Міхеєнко, Катерина
dc.contributor.author Mikheienko, Kateryna
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-30T09:25:10Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-30T09:25:10Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Міхеєнко К. Домонгольські храми Чернігова / Катерина Міхеєнко // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2017. Вип. 26. С. 122-134 en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті розглянуто збережені давньоруські храми Чернігова як елементи унікального історичного ансамблю, що ілю-струє розвиток давньоруської храмової архітектури домонгольсько-го періоду. Описано їхні архітектурні форми і стилістику з фіксацією інваріантних для свого періоду характеристик та індивідуальної спе-цифіки кожної пам’ятки. Стаття проілюстрована фотографіями автора. Chernihiv is the only Kyivan Rus city, where the main stages of development of Ancient Rus architecture of pre-mongol period are presented with remained monuments. Architecture of Saviour Transfiguration Cathedral (the temple was laid before 1036), Dormition cathedral of Yeletsky monastery (a chronicle date is unknown, offered dating is varied from the end of XI to the middle of ХІІ century), Sts. Boris and Gleb’s cathedral (was finished before 1123), St. Illya’s church (a chronicle date is unknown, offered dating is varied from the end of XI to the end of XII – beginning of the XIII century), Pyatnytska church (a chronicle date is unknown, the church belongs to the end of ХІІ – first third of ХІІІ century after architectural form and building technique) were described with the unified system of characteristics, which define specifics of constructive form and stylistic of each monument in the article. Dormition cathedral of Yeletsky monastery and Sts. Boris and Gleb’s cathedral in Chernihiv are the temples that belong to arched gables (zakomara) temple type (all facades of such temple-type were ended with semicircular arched gables (zakomara)). Chernihiv’s temples represent the earliest combination examples of arched gables temple type, which was formed in Kyiv at the end of XI – beginning of ХІІ century, technique of building «оpus isodos» and Romanesque structural components and decorative elements. Arched gables temples similar to the Chernihiv’s temples become typical on the territory of Kyivan Rus southwest region from the second quarter of ХІІ century. Chernihiv’s Pyatnytska church represents a tower-shaped temple type with the step raised arches, which formed in Kyivan Rus at the second half of the ХІІ century. Pyatnytska church is the only temple, in which construction of overlap of the temple remained in such degree that gives an opportunity to reconstruct completely composition of facade end for such temple type. Types of temples, which didn’t receive a wide distribution on the territory of Kyivan Rus, also remained in Chernihiv. Saviour Transfiguration Cathedral represents the initial stage of Kyivan Rus architecture development (as reception of Byzantine tradition). This temple has a typical for Byzantine end of facades: combination of semicircular arched gables (zakomara) and horizontal cornices. Chernihiv’s St. Illya’s church demonstrates a unique combination example of composition end of facades from the initial stage of Ancient Rus architecture development (the first half of XI century) with combination of semicircular arched gables and horizontal cornices (at the end of XI – at the beginning of ХІІ century «zakomarny» temple type was the most widespread) and building technique that was characteristic for ХІІ century («opus isodos»). en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject архітектурна традиція en_US
dc.subject храм en_US
dc.subject фасад en_US
dc.subject композиція en_US
dc.subject Київська Русь en_US
dc.subject Чернігів en_US
dc.title Домонгольські храми Чернігова en_US
dc.title.alternative Chernihiv’s temples of pre-mongol period en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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