В статті проведено аналіз об’ємно-просторової ком-позиції внутрішнього простору спеціалізованих будівель для осіб з вадами зору та запропоновано перелік прийомів архітектурної композиції для формування незорових орієнтирів у внутрішньому просторі споруд.
The article analyzes spatial composition of interior spaces of specialized buildings for visually impaired persons and proposes a list of architectural composition methods in terms of non-visual landmarks formation inside
the buildings. Such landmarks interact with the auditory and tactile-muscular
sensations of a person.
Refraction, bending of communication and floor slopes can accentuate important areas of the path and point the boundaries of rooms with different functional purposes basing on tactile sensations. Planes’ turns can be identified as
a sense of the body position or as a sense of touch while moovig a palm along
the wall.
Anfilade layout of transit space creates the precondition for self-positioning
of the Blind person by comparing the lengths of neighboring rooms, separated
by partitions. The cavities in partitions connecting the premises of the anfilade
are perceived by the touch, and the contrast of their acoustic mode provides
additional emphasis on the transition.
Blocking of rooms which contrast in sizes and shapes provides a tangible
change of sound transmission during passage between them. Geometry of surfaces
forming the space determines duration of reflected sounds’ delay and their
dimensionality (the number of directions from which sounds come).
The rotation of the concave and convex sections of the wall ensures periodic
increase and decrease of the length of steps’ sound during the movement along
the communication.